Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
ExcludedFileAttributes property
Xceed Zip control reference > Xceed Zip control properties > ExcludedFileAttributes property


The ExcludedFileAttributes property lets you limit the processing of files to only those files that do not have specific file attributes on. This property affects the list of files specified in the FilesToProcess property.

Files that have the file attributes specified with the ExcludedFileAttributes property will be tagged as "excluded" when the ZipPreprocessingFile or UnzipPreprocessingFile event is triggered, and will not be processed unless you change the value of the excluded parameter to False.

To specify multiple file attributes that you do not want to process, set the ExcludedFileAttributes property equal to the sum of the values for each file attribute.

Data type


Possible values

Enum Value Meaning
xfaNone 0 No specific attributes must be off in order to process files.
xfaReadOnly 1 Read-only attribute must be off.
xfaHidden 2 Hidden attribute must be off.
xfaSystem 4 System attribute must be off.
xfaVolume 8 Volume Label attribute must be off.
xfaFolder 16 The folder / directory attribute must be off.
xfaArchive 32 Archive bit attribute must be off.
xfaTemporary 256 Temporary file attribute must be off.
xfaSparseFile 512 Sparse file attribute must be off.
xfaReparsePoint 1024 Reparse point attribute must be off
xfaCompressed 2048 Compressed attribute must be off.
xfaOffline 4096 Offline attribute must be off.
xfaNotContentIndexed 8192 Content not indexed attribute must be off.
xfaEncrypted 16384 Encrypted attribute must be off.
xfaVirtual 65536 Virtual file attribute must be off.

Default value

xfaVolume + xfaFolder

Declaration (DLL API)  

DWORD XzGetExcludedFileAttributes( HXCEEDZIP hZip )
void XzSetExcludedFileAttributes( HXCEEDZIP hZip, DWORD dwValue )

Applicable methods

Zip, Unzip, ListZipContents, PreviewFiles, RemoveFiles

Related topics

The RequiredFileAttributes property lets you limit the processing of files to only those files that have specific file attributes on, as opposed to only processing files that don't have these attributes on.

If you want to create your own, special filters in order to limit which files are processed, you can use the ZipPreprocessingFile or UnzipPreprocessingFile events to specifically exclude files (just set the excluded parameter whenever you want to exclude a file).

The xfaReparsePoint value will only exclude items whose reparse point tag value is of the name surrogate type, as defined by the Windows API macro IsReparseTagNameSurrogate()

See Also