Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
DLL API sample for Generic Ansi C++
Sample applications > Visual C++ > DLL API sample for Generic Ansi C++

You can find the DLL API Sample Application for Generic Ansi C++ in:


This sample application provides you with a visual application that lets you perform basic zipping and unzipping. It shows you how to run DLL API methods, set properties, and write event handlers using the "windows messages" technique. The sample also shows how to use the "callback function" technique.

This sample demonstrates the following methods: Zip, Unzip, TestZipFile, ListZipContents and PreviewFiles. It also demonstrates setting various properties and almost all Xceed Zip events.

To use the sample, load the DLLAPI.MAK project file, then build and run the program.

The DLLAPI.CPP file manages the main window and the menus. Because this file contains the window management code, and most events are handled using the "windows messages" technique, you will find the event handlers in this file.

The EXAMPLES.CPP file contains all the property setting code and the Xceed Zip method calls. It also shows you (in the DoUnzipExample function) how to use callback functions to receive events. The line to watch for is:

pFuncs->lpfnXzSetXceedZipCallback( hZip, MyCallback );

The file xcdDllApi.H contains all the constants and function declarations you will need for using any Xceed Zip DLL API capability or function in your C++ projects. Include it in your projects as needed.