Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
ConvertPreprocessingFile event
Xceed Zip control reference > Xceed Zip control events > ConvertPreprocessingFile event


The ConvertPreprocessingFile event provides the opportunity to view and change a file's information right before it is transferred from the source zip file to the destination zip file by the Convert method.

Not all file information provided by the ConvertPreprocessingFile event's parameters is modifiable. The table below provides a list of parameters provided by ConvertPreprocessingFile and shows you which ones can be modified.


Event ConvertPreprocessingFile(sFilename As String, sComment As String, sDestFilename As String, lSize As Long,
lCompressedSize As Long, xAttributes As xcdFileAttributes, lCRC as Long, dtLastModified As Date,
dtLastAccessed As Date, dtCreated As Date, xMethod As xcdCompressionMethod , bEncrypted As Boolean,
lDiskNumber As Long, bExcluded As Boolean, xReason As xcdSkippingReason, bExisting As Boolean)


Event ConvertPreprocessingFile64(sFilename As String, sComment As String, sDestFilename As String, lSizeLow As Long,
lSizeHigh As Long, lCompressedSizeLow As Long, lCompressedSizeHigh As Long,
xAttributes As xcdFileAttributes, lCRC as Long, dtLastModified As Date, dtLastAccessed As Date,
dtCreated As Date, xMethod As xcdCompressionMethod , bEncrypted As Boolean, lDiskNumber As Long,
bExcluded As Boolean, xReason As xcdSkippingReason, bExisting As Boolean)

Declaration (DLL API)  
xcdConvertPreprocessingFileParams* pParams = ( xcdConvertPreprocessingFileParams* ) lParam ;


Parameter Modifiable Description
sFilename  NO The file's path and filename exactly as it appears in the source zip file
sComment YES The file's comment.
sDestFilename YES The path and filename of the file as it will appear in the destination zip file
lSize  NO The file's uncompressed size, in bytes.
lSizeHigh (64)
NO The 32 low-order and high-order bits representing the file's uncompressed size, in bytes.
lCompressedSize  NO The file's compressed size, in bytes
lCompressedSizeHigh (64)
NO The 32 low-order and high-order bits representing the file's compressed size, in bytes.
xAttributes YES The file's attributes
dtLastModified YES The last modification date and time stamp.
dtLastAccessed YES The last accessed date and time stamp.
dtCreated YES The creation date and time stamp.
xMethod  NO The compression method
bEncrypted  NO Is the file encrypted?
lDiskNumber  NO The disk number the file is on, if the source zip file is a spanned zip file . (0 otherwise)
bExcluded YES Will this file be transferred or excluded (filtered out of the destination zip file)?
xReason   NO If it will be excluded, this parameter will contain the reason code which will explain why the file was skipped
bExisting   NO Indicates if the file already exists in the destination zip file.

Applicable methods
