This example demonstrates how to use the EncryptionMethod, EncryptionStrength, and EncryptionPassword properties to create an AES
encrypted zip file. This example assumes that you have an XceedZip control named XceedZip1 added to a form.
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procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
ResultCode : XcdError;
XceedZip1.ZipFilename := 'd:\'; XceedZip1.FilesToProcess := 'd:\files\*'; XceedZip1.ProcessSubfolders := True;
XceedZip1.EncryptionMethod := xemWinZipAES; XceedZip1.EncryptionStrength := 192; XceedZip1.EncryptionPassword := 'password';
ResultCode := XceedZip1.Zip;
ShowMessage( IntToStr( resultCode ) ); end; end. |