The following tables list the members exposed by Table.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | AutoFilter | Gets the Table’s AutoFilter. The AutoFilter contains the filtering options that will be used for every column of that table. |
 | CellRange | Gets the range of cells that are part of the table. A CellRange contains the top-left and the bottom-right cells of a rectangular selection of cells. |
 | Columns | Gets the collection of columns that are part of the Table. When a column has no header content, “Column1” will be used as the column header’s default content; the numbers will be incremented for the next columns without header content, thus filing the second column without header content with “Column2” and so forth. |
 | Name | Gets or sets the name of the Table. The default name is “Table1”; the numbers will be incremented for every table without a name, thus naming the second Table without a name “Table2” & so forth. Custom names must start with a letter or an underscore (_), contain only letters or numbers and contain between one and 255 characters. Also note that two tables in the Workbook can not have the same name. |
 | ShowBandedColumns | Gets or sets if banded columns are displayed. When set to true, the even columns are formatted differently from the odd columns, which can make the table easier to read. The default setting is false. |
 | ShowBandedRows | Gets or sets if banded rows are displayed. When set to true, the even rows are formatted differently from the odd rows, which can make the table easier to read. The default setting is false. |
 | ShowFirstColumnFormatting | Gets or sets if the table’s first column is displayed using special formatting. The default setting is false. |
 | ShowHeaderRow | Gets or sets if the table’s header row is displayed or not. When it is displayed, the table’s first row uses unique formatting to set it apart from the other rows. The default setting is true. |
 | ShowLastColumnFormatting | Gets or sets if the table’s last column is displayed using special formatting. The default setting is false. |
 | ShowTotalRow | Gets or sets if the table’s total row is displayed or not. The total row is the row at the end of the table; it displays totals for each column. When set to true, the table’s CellRange will grow by one row. The default setting is false. |
 | Style | Gets or sets the Style that is used to format the Table. Many built-in styles can be used but the default style is TableStyleLight9. |
 | StyleName | Gets or sets the name of a Custom Style that is applied to the Table. The default value is the string value used by the Style property. |
Public Methods
See Also