Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF v4.6 Documentation
AnimationPanel Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods  Events

Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit Assembly > Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.Panels Namespace : AnimationPanel Class

The following tables list the members exposed by AnimationPanel.

Public Fields
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AnimationBegun Routed Event  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AnimationCompleted Routed Event  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ChildEntered Routed Event  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ChildEntering Routed Event  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ChildExited Routed Event  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ChildExiting Routed Event  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DefaultAnimationRate Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DefaultAnimator Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)EnterAnimationRate Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)EnterAnimator Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)EnterFrom Attached Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ExitAnimationRate Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ExitAnimator Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ExitTo Attached Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)LayoutAnimationRate Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)LayoutAnimator Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SwitchAnimationRate Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SwitchAnimator Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SwitchLayoutActivated Routed Event  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SwitchLayoutDeactivated Routed Event  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SwitchTemplate Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TemplateAnimationRate Dependency Property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TemplateAnimator Dependency Property  
Public Properties
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public PropertyGets or sets the DefaultAnimationRate property. This dependency property indicates the duration or speed at which other animations will if they set their respective AnimationRate properties to AnimationRate.Default. This property can be used to set a single animation rate to be used for EnterAnimationRate, ExitAnimationRate, LayoutAnimationRate, SwitchAnimationRate, and TemplateAnimationRate.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the EnterAnimator property. This dependency property indicates which iterative layout animator will be used to animate children when they are first added to a panel. This provides for an "animate in" effect. If you'd like to use the same animator for several layouts within a SwitchPanel, you can set the EnterAnimator property directly on the owning SwitchPanel. Otherwise, setting this property on an animation panel will override the value of the owning SwitchPanel.  
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property  
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public PropertyGets or sets the EnterAnimationRate property. This dependency property indicates the duration or speed at which "enter" animations occur within the panel. If null is specified and the panel belongs to the Layouts collection of a SwitchPanel, then the EnterAnimationRate property of the SwitchPanel will be used. If null is specified and the panel is being used standalone, then a default speed of 1 will be used. To prevent animations within the panel, you can explicitly set the speed property to 0 or simply set the IsAnimated property to false.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the EnterAnimator property. This dependency property indicates which iterative layout animator will be used to animate children when they are first added to a panel. This provides for an "animate in" effect. If you'd like to use the same animator for several layouts within a SwitchPanel, you can set the EnterAnimator property directly on the owning SwitchPanel. Otherwise, setting this property on an animation panel will override the value of the owning SwitchPanel.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the ExitAnimationRate property. This dependency property indicates the duration or speed at which "exit" animations occur within the panel. If null is specified and the panel belongs to the Layouts collection of a SwitchPanel, then the ExitAnimationRate property of the SwitchPanel will be used. If null is specified and the panel is being used standalone, then a default speed of 1 will be used. To prevent animations within the panel, you can explicitly set the speed property to 0 or simply set the IsAnimated property to false.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the ExitAnimator property. This dependency property indicates which iterative layout animator will be used to animate children when they are removed from a panel. This provides for an "animate out" effect. If you'd like to use the same animator for several layouts within a SwitchPanel, you can set the ExitAnimator property directly on the owning SwitchPanel. Otherwise, setting this property on an animation panel will override the value of the owning SwitchPanel.  
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property  
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public PropertyGets or sets the LayoutAnimationRate property. This dependency property indicates the duration or speed at which animations occur within the panel. If null is specified and the panel belongs to the Layouts collection of a SwitchPanel, then the LayoutAnimationRate property of the SwitchPanel will be used. If null is specified and the panel is being used standalone, then a default speed of 1 will be used. To prevent animations within the panel, you can explicitly set the speed property to 0 or simply set the IsAnimated property to false.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the LayoutAnimator property. This dependency property indicates which iterative layout animator will be used to animate children whenever a layout pass arranges the children to a new location. If the LayoutAnimator property is null, then a linear animator will be used for layout animations. To prevent layout animations, you can set the IsAnimated property to false. If you'd like to use the same animator for several layouts within a SwitchPanel, you can set the LayoutAnimator property directly on the owning SwitchPanel. Otherwise, setting this property on an animation panel will override the value of the owning SwitchPanel.  
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property  
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public PropertyGets or sets the SwitchAnimationRate property. This dependency property indicates the duration or speed at which "switch" animations occur within the panel. If null is specified and the panel belongs to the Layouts collection of a SwitchPanel, then the SwitchAnimationRate property of the SwitchPanel will be used. If UnsetValue is specified and the panel is being used standalone, then a default speed of 1 will be used. To prevent animations within the panel, you can explicitly set the speed property to 0 or simply set the IsAnimated property to false. !!! fix these descriptions  
Public PropertyGets or sets the SwitchAnimator property. This dependency property indicates the animator that will be used for layout switches when the AnimationPanel belongs to the Layouts collection of a SwitchPanel. If the SwitchAnimator property is null, then the LayoutAnimator will be used for both layout animations and switch animations. To prevent switch animations, you can set the AreLayoutSwitchesAnimated property on the owning SwitchPanel to false. If you'd like to use the same animator for all layout switches, you can set the SwitchAnimator property on the owning SwitchPanel.  
Public PropertyGets the SwitchParent property. This dependency property indicates the parent SwitchPanel (if the current SwitchablePanel is a member of a Layouts collection).  
Public PropertyGets or sets the SwitchTemplate property. This dependency property indicates the DataTemplate that should be used for SwitchPresenter elements within the SwitchParent's visual tree while the panel is the active layout of the SwitchParent.  
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public PropertyGets or sets the TemplateAnimationRate property. This dependency property indicates the duration or speed at which ID'd elements within a SwitchTemplate are animated during a template switch. If null is specified and the panel belongs to the Layouts collection of a SwitchPanel, then the TemplateAnimationRate property of the SwitchPanel will be used. If UnsetValue is specified and the panel is being used standalone, then a default speed of 1 will be used. To prevent animations within the panel, you can explicitly set the speed property to 0 or simply set the IsAnimated property to false.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the TemplateAnimator property. This dependency property indicates the animator that will be used for layout switches when the AnimationPanel belongs to the Layouts collection of a SwitchPanel. If the TemplateAnimator property is null, then the LayoutAnimator will be used for both layout animations and switch animations. To prevent switch animations, you can set the AreLayoutSwitchesAnimated property on the owning SwitchPanel to false. If you'd like to use the same animator for all layout switches, you can set the TemplateAnimator property on the owning SwitchPanel.  
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyGets the children's true visual parent. If SwitchParent is set then it returns SwitchPanel otherwise it returns this.  
Protected Internal Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Internal Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property  
Protected Internal Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Internal Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Internal Property  
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Internal Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Internal Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected PropertyOverridden.   
Protected Internal Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Internal Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Internal Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Property (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Methods
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Gets the EnterFrom property. This dependency property indicates the location from which a child will enter the panel when it is first arranged. If set on a child of the animation panel, it provides for an "animate in" effect.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Gets the ExitTo property. This dependency property indicates the location to which a child will exit the panel when it is removed. If set on a child of the animation panel, it provides for an "animate out" effect.  
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method  
Public Method  
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method  
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Sets the EnterFrom property. This dependency property indicates the location from which a child will enter the panel when it is first arranged. If set on a child of the animation panel, it provides for an "animate in" effect.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Sets the ExitTo property. This dependency property indicates the location to which a child will exit the panel when it is removed. If set on a child of the animation panel, it provides for an "animate out" effect.  
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Methods
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method  
Protected Method  
Protected Method  
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected MethodOverridden.   
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method  
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected MethodOverridden.   
Protected MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method  
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected MethodOverridden.   
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected MethodOverridden.   
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected MethodExecutes when a visual child is added directly to the panel or added to the SwitchParent of the panel.  
Protected MethodExecutes when a visual child is removed directly from the panel or removed from the SwitchParent of the panel.  
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected MethodExecutes when an animation panel becomes the active layout panel for a SwitchPanel.  
Protected MethodExecutes when an animation panel is no longer the active layout panel for a SwitchPanel.  
Protected MethodProvides derived classes an opportunity to handle changes to the SwitchParent property.  
Protected MethodProvides derived classes an opportunity to handle changes to the SwitchTemplate property.  
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected MethodOverridden.   
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected MethodA helper method to raise the AnimationBegun event.  
Protected MethodA helper method to raise the AnimationCompleted event.  
Protected MethodA helper method to raise the ChildEntered event.  
Protected MethodA helper method to raise the ChildEntering event.  
Protected MethodA helper method to raise the ChildExited event.  
Protected MethodA helper method to raise the ChildExiting event.  
Protected MethodA helper method to raise the SwitchLayoutActivated event.  
Protected MethodA helper method to raise the SwitchLayoutDeactivated event.  
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Protected Method  
Protected Internal MethodProvides a secure method for setting the SwitchParent property. This dependency property indicates the parent SwitchPanel (if the current SwitchablePanel is a member of a Layouts collection).  
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Events
Public EventOccurs when a layout animation begins within an AnimationPanel.  
Public EventOccurs when a layout animation completes within an AnimationPanel.  
Public EventOccurs when a child enter animation completes. If no enter animation is used, then this event occurse immediately after the child is added to the panel.  
Public EventOccurs when a child is first added to the panel. Set the EnterFrom property if you would like an "animate in" effect where the child is animated from the EnterFrom Rect to the ArrangeRect. If EnterFrom is null, the child will simply be arranged at the ArrangeRect location.  
Public EventOccurs when a child exit animation completes. If no ExitTo rect has been specified, this event is raised immediately after the InitiateChildExit command executes.  
Public EventOccurs when a child is about to be removed from the panel. Set the ExitTo property if you would like an "animate out" effect where the child is animated from the ArrangeRect to the ExitTo Rect. Set the Cancel property to true to prevent the exit operation entirely.  
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public EventOccurs when an animation panel becomes the active layout panel for a SwitchPanel.  
Public EventOccurs when an AnimationPanel that was the active layout panel for a SwitchPanel is no longer the active layout.  
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
Public Event (Inherited from PanelBase)
See Also


AnimationPanel Class
Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.Panels Namespace