Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF v4.7 Documentation
DataRow Class Methods

Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid Assembly > Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid Namespace : DataRow Class

For a list of all members of this type, see DataRow members.

Public Methods
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodPlaces the row in edition mode. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodCancels the edit process. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodEnds the edition process and allows the row to exist edit mode. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodBuilds the visual tree for the element. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Methods
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Protected MethodOverridden. Called after the BeginEdit method to allow custom edit behavior.  
Protected MethodOverridden. Called after the CancelEdit method to allow custom edit behavior.  
Protected MethodOverridden. Clears the content of the DataRow.  
Protected MethodClears the data context of the DataRow. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected MethodOverridden. Create a new Cell in the row.  
Protected MethodOverridden. Called after the EndEdit method to allow custom edit behavior.  
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected MethodOverridden. Retrieves a value indicating whether the type of the specified cell is supported by the row.  
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected MethodOverridden.   
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Internal MethodRaises the EditBeginning event, which signals that the edit process is about to begin. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected Internal MethodRaises the EditBegun event, which signals that the edit process has begun. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected MethodRaises the EditCanceled event, which signals that the edit process has been canceled. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected MethodRaises the EditCanceling event, which signals that the edit process is being canceled. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected MethodRaises the EditEnded event, which signals that the edit process has ended. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected MethodRaises the EditEnding event, which signals that the edit process is about to end. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected MethodInvoked when an unhandled GotKeyboardFocus attached event reaches this element in its route. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method

Reports a change to the IsKeyboardFocusWithin property.

(Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected MethodOverridden.   
Protected MethodOverridden.   
Protected MethodInvoked when an unhandled MouseLeftButtonDown attached event reaches this element in its route. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected MethodInvoked when an unhandled MouseMove attached event reaches this element in its route. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected MethodInvoked when an unhandled ValidationErrorChanging attached event reaches this element in its route. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected MethodOverridden.   
Protected MethodOverridden. Prepares a container in the specified DataGridContext for the item.  
Protected Internal MethodOverridden. When deriving from the DataRow class, PrepareDefaultStyleKey must be overridden in order to support dynamic style (view or theme modifications) changes.  
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected MethodOverridden. Sets the data context of the DataRow.  
Protected Internal Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Row)
See Also


DataRow Class
Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid Namespace

DataGrid Fundamentals
