Name | Description | |
CalculateDistinctValues | Gets or sets a value indicating whether distinct values are to be calculated for the property. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
Converter | Gets or sets the converter to convert values to and from the corresponding field in the underlying data source. (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
ConverterCulture | Gets or sets the culture in which to evaluate the converter (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
ConverterParameter | Gets or sets the parameter to pass to the converter (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
DataType | Gets or sets the property's data type (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
DistinctValuesEqualityComparer | Gets or sets the IEqualityComparer that is used to compare the equality of the item property's distinct values. (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
DistinctValuesSortComparer | Gets or sets the IComparer that is used to sort the item property's distinct values. (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
ForeignKeyDescription | Gets or set the DataGridForeignKeyDescription that represents a foreign key constraint or enumeration. (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
GroupSortStatResultComparer | Gets or sets the IComparer used when sorting groups by the result of a statistical function. (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
GroupSortStatResultPropertyName | Gets or sets the result property name of the statistical function by whose values the groups will be sorted. (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
IsAutoCreated | Gets a value indicating whether the DataGridItemProperty was automatically created (see AutoCreateItemProperties property). | |
IsDisplayable | (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
IsReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the property is readonly. (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
ItemProperties | (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
MaxDistinctValues | Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum number of distinct values to calculate. (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
Name | Gets or sets the name of a property in a DataGridCollectionView. (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
OverrideReadOnlyForInsertion | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of the IsReadOnly property is ignored when new data items are inserted. (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
PropertyDescriptor | Gets or sets the PropertyDescriptor that determines the characteristics of a property for an item in a DataGridCollectionView. | |
SortComparer | Gets or sets the custom data comparer that will be used to sort the values of the data-grid item property's associated column. (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
Synonym | (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
Title | Gets or sets the property's title. (Inherited from DataGridItemPropertyBase) | |
ValuePath | Gets or sets the path to access the value of a property for an item in a DataGridCollectionView. | |
ValueXPath | Gets or sets the XPath query that returns the value on the XML binding source to use |