This sample application demonstrates how to use the SmartOptionList SmartControl using the designer as well as via code.
It specifically demonstrates how to :
Subscribe to the ItemClick and ItemMouseHover events of the SmartControl.
Subscribe to the Click, MouseEnter and MouseLeave events of each SmartItem.
Add SmartItems, other than the preferred ones, to the SmartControl.
Display a tooltip text by setting the ToolTipText property.
Set the OverForeColor property to change the foreground color when the mouse passes over a SmartItem.
Set the Font property to change the font of a SmartItem.
Dynamically create a Node SmartItem.
Add, insert and remove SmartItems from the SmartControl using the Add, AddRange, Insert and Remove methods.
Create a SmartOptionList SmartControl by code.
Master directory:
<SamplesInstallDir>Xceed SmartUI for WinForms [version]\
Where <SamplesInstallDir> by default is <SystemVolume>Xceed Samples under Windows Vista/7, and <ProgramFiles>Xceed Samples under Windows XP.
C#: \CSharp\OptionList\OptionListCS.csproj
VB.NET: \Visual Basic .NET\OptionList\OptionListVB.vbproj