This sample demonstrates how to do custom painting by handling the Paint event or extending the a SmartControl or SmartItem .
It specifically demonstrates how to :
Handle the Paint event to provide custom painting.
Use the Invalidate method to force a repaint
Derive from the SmartExplorerTaskPane and ExplorerTaskPane.Group classes
How to override the PreferredSmartItemTypes property to add a SmartItem to the list.
How to override the SmartControl's PaintItemsBackground and the SmartItem's PaintItemsBackground methods which are called when the background area where the items will be drawn needs to be painted.
Master directory:
<SamplesInstallDir>Xceed SmartUI for WinForms [version]\
Where <SamplesInstallDir> by default is <SystemVolume>Xceed Samples under Windows Vista/7, and <ProgramFiles>Xceed Samples under Windows XP.
C#: \CSharp\CustomPainting\CustomPaintingCS.csproj
VB.NET: \Visual Basic .NET\CustomPainting\CustomPaintingVB.vbproj