Xceed SmartUI Documentation
Property SmartItems
SmartItems Categories > Property SmartItems

PropertyGroup: PropertyGroup is a header item of a PropertyList. By default, Bold is set to true to mimic the standard PropertyList look.

PropertyLabel: PropertyLabel is a Label, which allows to show a property in a PropertyList. This property is not editable. If you want to put it outside a PropertyGroup, you can set the Indent to 0.

PropertyColor: PropertyColor is a PropertyList item, which allows to specify the color used. PropertyColor displays a small square which shows the selected color, and its reference (Windows Standard System Color &H800000xx&). If you want to put it outside a PropertyGroup, you can set the Indent to 0.

PropertyBrowse: PropertyBrowse is a PropertyList item, with a browse button. By default, the Indent is set to 1. If you want to put it outside a PropertyGroup, you can set the Indent to 0.

PropertyEdit: PropertyEdit is a PropertyList item, which is editable. If you want to put it outside a PropertyGroup, you can set the Indent to 0.

PropertyCombo: PropertyCombo is a PropertyList item, with a dropdown list of choices. If you want to  put it outside a PropertyGroup, you can set the Indent to 0.

PropertyComboEdit: PropertyComboEdit is a PropertyList item with a dropdown editable list. If you want to put it outside a PropertyGroup, you can set the Indent to 0.

PropertyPassword: PropertyPassword is a PropertyEdit-type SmartItem, which displays password characters (it masks the data capture with stars).  

PropertyRightAlign: PropertyRightAlign is a PropertyEdit-type SmartItem, aligned to the right.

PropertyObject: PropertyObject is a MiscObject-type SmartItem, integrated in a Property. The Value has to be set to the object's name.

PropertyEditBrowse: PropertyEditBrowse is a PropertyEdit-type SmartItem, with a Browse button.

PropertyMultiLine: PropertyMultiLine is a PropertyEdit-type SmartItem, which is multiline.