Xceed SmartUI Documentation
Misc SmartItems
SmartItems Categories > Misc SmartItems

MiscLabel: MiscLabel is a Label (a static item), which can be added in SmartUI.

MiscInternetURL: MiscInternetURL is a Label, which links to the URL specified in the Value, when clicked. If the Value is empty, it takes the Caption Value.

MiscObject: MiscObject is a SmartItem, which allows to integrate an external object. This object is hidden/showed/moved according to the SmartItem state and position. The Value has to be set to the object's name.

MiscObjectFlat: MiscObjectFlat is a MiscObject-type SmartItem, which displays a sunken border, when the object gets the focus or when the mouse is hover the object (like EditFlat).

MiscSpringPanelHolder: MiscSpringPlaceHolder is a Placeholder, which resizes automatically.