Xceed Real-Time Zip for .NET Documentation
The ZipWriter class

Welcome to Xceed Real-Time Zip for .NET, .NET Standard & Xamarin > Basic Concepts > The ZipWriter class

The ZipWriter class lets an application create a Zip archive without resorting to intermediate storage (either memory or disk). Furthermore, the creation of the Zip archive starts as soon as the ZipWriter object has data to compress: the resulting Zip archive is immediately available for processing, for example by an application using a ZipReader object receiving the archive over an FTP connection. The target Zip archive is passed to the ZipWriter's class constructor as a stream of any type.

The main methods of the ZipWriter class used to create Zip archives are WriteItemLocalHeader (in conjunction with a ZipItemLocalHeader object), WriteItemData, and CloseZipFile. The class also provides a ByteProgression event to monitor the progression of the Zip creation operation. For details on the events used by Xceed Real-Time Zip for .NET / .NET CF, see Events.

Using the ZipWriter Class

The following diagram will help to illustrate the relationship between the structure of a Zip archive and the class methods you must use to create a Zip archive.

Red boxes: Local header
Blue boxes: Compressed data
Green boxes: Data descriptor
Grey boxes: Central headers that make up the central directory

Interoperability vs. Size

The Zip file format can store item sizes and offsets in either 4-byte fields or 8-byte fields. This yields limits of 4GB and about 18 million terabytes (more precisely, 2^64 - 1 bytes), respectively. Using 8-byte fields is known as Zip64 extensions to the Zip file format. The original and most widely implemented specification, version 2.0, of the Zip format only supports 4-byte fields. Zip64 extensions were introduced in version 4.5 of the specification.

Most modern Zip utilities support Zip64 extensions seamlessly. But a few old or broken Zip implementations still do not. For the sake of interoperability, the ZipWriter class uses 4-byte fields by default. Zip64 extensions can still be enabled when constructing a ZipWriter instance.

This differs from previous versions of Xceed Real-Time Zip for .NET. Versions 4.2 and below always used Zip64 extensions. In more recent versions, Zip64 extensions are only used when explicitly enabled in the constructor.

An automatic mode where Zip64 extensions would be used when a 4GB+ item is detected isn't possible because that would cause the ZipWriter to seek in the target stream and correct some fields in a local header that's already been written.

WinRar, Zip tools on MacOS, and the built-in Zip support in Windows XP are known to lack support for the Zip64 extensions. 

So before creating a Zip archive, a decision must be made as to whether that archive will require Zip64 extensions or not. Here are the limits for the default behavior:

If these limits are likely to be broken or you want to be able to create Zip archives in every scenario, enable Zip64 extensions by setting the allowZip64Extensions parameter to true in the ZipWriter constructor.

For additional details concerning the format used for Zip archives, see the ZIP file format specification.

When creating a Zip archive, a stream representing the target archive is first passed to the ZipWriter constructor along with a boolean value indicating whether Zip64 extensions are to be used. A local header is then created for the first item to be archived and is written to the archive (red boxes in the diagram), followed by the item's data (blue boxes). This process is repeated until all of the items have been processed. Finally, the Zip archive is closed.

An item's local header is represented by a ZipItemLocalHeader object, which is written to the Zip archive using the WriteItemLocalHeader method. The encryption method/password, and compression level/method can optionally be specified when creating a ZipItemLocalHeader. See The ZipItemLocalHeader class for more details.

The current item's data is written by calling WriteItemData until all of its data has been written to the archive. The WriteItemData method is very similar to the Write method of the Stream class: the data to be written is passed to it as an array of bytes, with an offset indicating at what point to begin copying in the buffer and a count indicating the number of bytes to write from the offset.

There are several flavors of WriteItemData to accommodate different data scenarios and make efficient reuse of data buffers.

Another way to write data is to expose the item's data as a write-only Stream object with the GetItemDataStream method. Each call to the stream's Write method will call WriteItemData. This makes it possible to integrate ZipWriter with other classes that use the Stream class interface without the need for "glue code."

Once an item's data has been written, calling WriteItemLocalHeader with the header for the next item automatically causes the data descriptor (green boxes) of the previous item to be written.

Once the local headers and data of all the items have been written, CloseZipFile must be called to cause the data descriptor of the final item to be written, as well as the central directory (grey boxes) of the Zip archive.

The ZipWriter class writes all items with the UTF8Filename and UTF8Comment extra headers, but only if non-ASCII characters are used in the text. This corresponds to the UnicodeUsagePolicy.NonASCIIOnly value in Xceed Zip .NET.

Note that it doesn't write the old Xceed Unicode extra header, as it is deprecated.

Xceed Real-Time Zip for .NET does not support the creation of split/spanned or self-extracting archives

 Example: Creating a Zip archive using ZipWriter on desktop environments

The following example demonstrates how to create a Zip archive locally using the files in a test directory.

static void ZipWriterExample()


  string zipFilePath = @"D:\RealTimeZipExamples\MyZipFile.zip";

  // NOTE: The trailing backslash is important, we use it below to build the paths in the zip archive

  string sourceFolder = @"D:\ToZip\";

  // Create a stream for a new zip file

  using( FileStream zipFileStream = new FileStream( zipFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None ) )


    /* Wrapping the ZipWriter object in a 'using' block will make sure the archive is closed

     * properly after we're done adding content. If you use ZipWriter outside a 'using' block,

     * make sure you call ZipWriter.CloseZipFile() to flush the archive's meta data

     * to the output stream. */

    // Create the ZipWriter object around the stream

    using( ZipWriter zipWriter = new ZipWriter( zipFileStream ) )


      int index;

      FileInfo sourceFile;

      string sourceFilenameInZip;

      /* As a convenience, ZipWriter offers the option to automatically close the output stream when

         ZipWriter is closed. The behavior is disabled by default.


         In this example, we will not enable it because we are already closing the zip

         file automatically in the 'using' block above. */

      //zipWriter.AllowOutputStreamClosure = true;

      /* Since we'll be adding many files in the archive, we'll create a work buffer

         ahead of time and use it over and over again to avoid creating a new buffer

         each time we read from a source file. */

      int bufferSize = 64 * 1024;

      byte[] buffer = new byte[ bufferSize ];

      /* Create a local header object that will be used to specify the path/filename in

         the zip file and other options like compression and encryption. */

      ZipItemLocalHeader localHeader = new ZipItemLocalHeader();

      /* Options can be set "globally" before zipping starts.

         We will set the file name for each file inside the loop. The other 

         options have default values that satisfy us:

         The compression method is Deflated at a the 'Normal' compression level

         No encryption.

         No comment. */

      //localHeader.CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.Deflated;

      //localHeader.CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.Normal;

      //localHeader.EncryptionMethod = EncryptionMethod.WinZipAes;

      //localHeader.EncryptionPassword = "password";

      // Compute the index where the base path ends, minus the trailing backslash

      index = sourceFolder.Length - 1;

      // Go through all the files in the source folder and its sub-folders

      foreach( string sourcePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles( sourceFolder, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories ) )


        // Get file information

        sourceFile = new FileInfo( sourcePath );

        // Compute a relative path for the file consisting of the full path minus the base path in 'sourceFolder'

        sourceFilenameInZip = sourcePath.Substring( index );

        // Assign the filename in zip in the header

        localHeader.FileName = sourceFilenameInZip;

        // Optional. Set the last write date/time in the header

        localHeader.LastWriteDateTime = sourceFile.LastWriteTime;



          // Open the current file for sequential reading

          using( Stream sourceFileStream = new FileStream( sourcePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, bufferSize, FileOptions.SequentialScan ) )


            /* If we make it here, the source file has been opened successfully. We can

               safely add the item to the zip archive. */

            // Write the local header for the file in the archive

            zipWriter.WriteItemLocalHeader( localHeader );

            // Write the entire stream's content to the archive, using the work buffer we created

            zipWriter.WriteItemData( sourceFileStream, buffer, 0, bufferSize );



        catch( FileNotFoundException )


          /* We're unable to open the source file. We will simply skip it and continue to

             the next one. */


        catch( System.Security.SecurityException )


          /* We're unable to open the source file. We will simply skip it and continue to

             the next one. */


        catch( DirectoryNotFoundException )


          /* We're unable to open the source file. We will simply skip it and continue to

             the next one. */


        catch( UnauthorizedAccessException )


          /* We're unable to open the source file. We will simply skip it and continue to

             the next one. */


        catch( PathTooLongException )


          /* We're unable to open the source file. We will simply skip it and continue to

             the next one. */



      // OPTIONAL: A global comment for the zip archive can be set when closing the archive. By default, there is no comment.

      //ZipEndHeader endHeader = new ZipEndHeader( "Dynamically generated in <unknown> seconds" );

      //zipWriter.CloseZipFile( endHeader );

      /* Because we are in a 'using' block, ZipWriter.Dispose() will take care of calling

         ZipWriter.CloseZipFile() for us if we don't do it here.

         When using ZipWrite outside of a 'using' block, ZipWriter.CloseZipFile() MUST be

         called explicitly or the zip file will be incomplete and unusable. */



    Private Shared Sub ZipWriterExample()

      Dim zipFilePath As String = "D:\RealTimeZipExamples\MyZipFile.zip"

      ' NOTE: The trailing backslash is important, we use it below to build the paths in the zip archive

      Dim sourceFolder As String = "D:\ToZip\"

      ' Create a stream for a new zip file

      Using zipFileStream As New FileStream(zipFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)

'         Wrapping the ZipWriter object in a 'using' block will make sure the archive is closed

'         * properly after we're done adding content. If you use ZipWriter outside a 'using' block,

'         * make sure you call ZipWriter.CloseZipFile() to flush the archive's meta data

'         * to the output stream. 

        ' Create the ZipWriter object around the stream

        Using zipWriter As New ZipWriter(zipFileStream)

          Dim index As Integer

          Dim sourceFile As FileInfo

          Dim sourceFilenameInZip As String

'           As a convenience, ZipWriter offers the option to automatically close the output stream when

'             ZipWriter is closed. The behavior is disabled by default.


'             In this example, we will not enable it because we are already closing the zip

'             file automatically in the 'using' block above. 

          'zipWriter.AllowOutputStreamClosure = true;

'           Since we'll be adding many files in the archive, we'll create a work buffer

'             ahead of time and use it over and over again to avoid creating a new buffer

'             each time we read from a source file. 

          Dim bufferSize As Integer = 64 * 1024

          Dim buffer(bufferSize - 1) As Byte

'           Create a local header object that will be used to specify the path/filename in

'             the zip file and other options like compression and encryption. 

          Dim localHeader As New ZipItemLocalHeader()

'           Options can be set "globally" before zipping starts.

'             We will set the file name for each file inside the loop. The other 

'             options have default values that satisfy us:

'             The compression method is Deflated at a the 'Normal' compression level

'             No encryption.

'             No comment. 

          'localHeader.CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.Deflated;

          'localHeader.CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.Normal;

          'localHeader.EncryptionMethod = EncryptionMethod.WinZipAes;

          'localHeader.EncryptionPassword = "password";

          ' Compute the index where the base path ends, minus the trailing backslash

          index = sourceFolder.Length - 1

          ' Go through all the files in the source folder and its sub-folders

          For Each sourcePath As String In Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceFolder, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)

            ' Get file information

            sourceFile = New FileInfo(sourcePath)

            ' Compute a relative path for the file consisting of the full path minus the base path in 'sourceFolder'

            sourceFilenameInZip = sourcePath.Substring(index)

            ' Assign the filename in zip in the header

            localHeader.FileName = sourceFilenameInZip

            ' Optional. Set the last write date/time in the header

            localHeader.LastWriteDateTime = sourceFile.LastWriteTime


              ' Open the current file for sequential reading

              Using sourceFileStream As Stream = New FileStream(sourcePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, bufferSize, FileOptions.SequentialScan)

'                 If we make it here, the source file has been opened successfully. We can

'                   safely add the item to the zip archive. 

                ' Write the local header for the file in the archive


                ' Write the entire stream's content to the archive, using the work buffer we created

                zipWriter.WriteItemData(sourceFileStream, buffer, 0, bufferSize)

              End Using

            Catch e1 As FileNotFoundException

'               We're unable to open the source file. We will simply skip it and continue to

'                 the next one. 

            Catch e2 As System.Security.SecurityException

'               We're unable to open the source file. We will simply skip it and continue to

'                 the next one. 

            Catch e3 As DirectoryNotFoundException

'               We're unable to open the source file. We will simply skip it and continue to

'                 the next one. 

            Catch e4 As UnauthorizedAccessException

'               We're unable to open the source file. We will simply skip it and continue to

'                 the next one. 

            Catch e5 As PathTooLongException

'               We're unable to open the source file. We will simply skip it and continue to

'                 the next one. 

            End Try

          Next sourcePath


          ' OPTIONAL: A global comment for the zip archive can be set when closing the archive. By default, there is no comment.

          'Dim endHeader As New ZipEndHeader("Dynamically generated in <unknown> seconds")


          ' Because we are in a 'using' block, ZipWriter.Dispose() will take care of calling

          ' ZipWriter.CloseZipFile() for us if we don't do it here.

          '  When using ZipWrite outside of a 'using' block, ZipWriter.CloseZipFile() MUST be

          '  called explicitly or the zip file will be incomplete and unusable.

        End Using

      End Using

    End Sub
 Example: Creating a Zip archive using ZipWriter on Xamarin (Android and iOS)

The following example demonstrates how to create a Zip archive using MemoryStream objects. The usage is the same as it would be on desktop .NET. MemoryStream objects are used to maintain focus on the ZipWriter API.

The MemoryStream objects can be changed to any stream objects that derive from the System.IO.Stream. NetworkStream, FileStream, etc.

static Stream ZipWriterExampleXamarin()


  /* NOTE: The zip file can be any type of stream you need. A network stream, a file stream, etc

     The component will never call Stream.Seek() on the stream and will only write to it. */

  // Create a writable stream for the zip file

  Stream zipFileStream = new MemoryStream();

  /* Wrapping the ZipWriter object in a 'using' block will make sure the archive is closed

     properly after we're done adding content. If you use ZipWriter outside a 'using' block,

     make sure you call ZipWriter.CloseZipFile() to flush the archive's meta data

     to the output stream. */

  // Create the ZipWriter object around the stream

  using( ZipWriter zipWriter = new ZipWriter( zipFileStream ) )


    /* As a convenience, ZipWriter offers the option to automatically close the output stream when

       ZipWriter is closed. The behavior is disabled by default.


       In this example, we will not enable it as we want to manipulate the zip file

       after it has been written. */

    //zipWriter.AllowOutputStreamClosure = true;

    /* If we'll be adding many items in the archive, we'll create a work buffer

       ahead of time and use it over and over again to avoid creating a new buffer

       each time we read from a source file.


       This example doesn't add many items but still shows the technique. */

    int bufferSize = 64 * 1024;

    byte[] buffer = new byte[ bufferSize ];

    /* Create a local header object that will be used to specify the path/filename in

       the zip file and other options like compression and encryption. */

    ZipItemLocalHeader localHeader = new ZipItemLocalHeader();

    /* Options can be set "globally" before zipping starts.

       We will set the file name for each file inside the loop. The other 

       options have default values that satisfy us:

       The compression method is Deflated at a the 'Normal' compression level

       No encryption.

       No comment. */

    //localHeader.CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.Deflated;

    //localHeader.CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.Normal;

    //localHeader.EncryptionMethod = EncryptionMethod.WinZipAes;

    //localHeader.EncryptionPassword = "password";

    // Assign the filename in zip in the header

    localHeader.FileName = "MyFile1.dat";

    // Optional. Set the last write date/time in the header

    localHeader.LastWriteDateTime = DateTime.Now;

    /* NOTE: The source data can be any type of stream you need. A network stream, a file stream, etc

    The component will never call Stream.Seek() on the stream and will only read from it.


    This example will use memory data to keep it simple and on point. */

    // Create some source data

    byte[] dataToZip = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" );

    // Create a stream around the source data

    using( Stream sourceDataStream = new MemoryStream( dataToZip, false ) )


      // Write the local header for the file in the archive

      zipWriter.WriteItemLocalHeader( localHeader );

      // Write the entire stream's content to the archive, using the work buffer we created

      zipWriter.WriteItemData( sourceDataStream, buffer, 0, bufferSize );



  /* At this point, 'zipFileStream' contains a zip file. You can store it, upload it, etc as you

     see fit. Because it is a stream, remember to change the current position to the start of the

     stream if you wish to read the data. */

  zipFileStream.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin );

  /* TODO: Send/store/whatever the zip file */

  return zipFileStream;

    Private Shared Function ZipWriterExampleXamarin() As Stream

'       NOTE: The zip file can be any type of stream you need. A network stream, a file stream, etc

'         The component will never call Stream.Seek() on the stream and will only write to it. 

      ' Create a writable stream for the zip file

      Dim zipFileStream As Stream = New MemoryStream()

'       Wrapping the ZipWriter object in a 'using' block will make sure the archive is closed

'         properly after we're done adding content. If you use ZipWriter outside a 'using' block,

'         make sure you call ZipWriter.CloseZipFile() to flush the archive's meta data

'         to the output stream. 

      ' Create the ZipWriter object around the stream

      Using zipWriter As New ZipWriter(zipFileStream)

'         As a convenience, ZipWriter offers the option to automatically close the output stream when

'           ZipWriter is closed. The behavior is disabled by default.


'           In this example, we will not enable it as we want to manipulate the zip file

'           after it has been written. 

        'zipWriter.AllowOutputStreamClosure = true;

'         If we'll be adding many items in the archive, we'll create a work buffer

'           ahead of time and use it over and over again to avoid creating a new buffer

'           each time we read from a source file.


'           This example doesn't add many items but still shows the technique. 

        Dim bufferSize As Integer = 64 * 1024

        Dim buffer(bufferSize - 1) As Byte

'         Create a local header object that will be used to specify the path/filename in

'           the zip file and other options like compression and encryption. 

        Dim localHeader As New ZipItemLocalHeader()

'         Options can be set "globally" before zipping starts.

'           We will set the file name for each file inside the loop. The other 

'           options have default values that satisfy us:

'           The compression method is Deflated at a the 'Normal' compression level

'           No encryption.

'           No comment. 

        'localHeader.CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.Deflated;

        'localHeader.CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.Normal;

        'localHeader.EncryptionMethod = EncryptionMethod.WinZipAes;

        'localHeader.EncryptionPassword = "password";

        ' Assign the filename in zip in the header

        localHeader.FileName = "MyFile1.dat"

        ' Optional. Set the last write date/time in the header

        localHeader.LastWriteDateTime = DateTime.Now

'         NOTE: The source data can be any type of stream you need. A network stream, a file stream, etc

'        The component will never call Stream.Seek() on the stream and will only read from it.


'        This example will use memory data to keep it simple and on point. 

        ' Create some source data

        Dim dataToZip() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")

        ' Create a stream around the source data

        Using sourceDataStream As Stream = New MemoryStream(dataToZip, False)

          ' Write the local header for the file in the archive


          ' Write the entire stream's content to the archive, using the work buffer we created

          zipWriter.WriteItemData(sourceDataStream, buffer, 0, bufferSize)

        End Using

      End Using

'       At this point, 'zipFileStream' contains a zip file. You can store it, upload it, etc as you

'         see fit. Because it is a stream, remember to change the current position to the start of the

'         stream if you wish to read the data. 

      zipFileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)

      ' TODO: Send/store/whatever the zip file 

      Return zipFileStream

    End Function
See Also

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