New features
- Added property ZipWriter.AllowUncompressedData. It enables writing true uncompressed data in Zip archives.
- Item data can now be exposed as a Stream object for easy integration with classes that use the Stream interface and for reading or writing nested zip archives.
- Added the ZipWriter.TextEncoding property, which allows the developer to force the use of UTF8 encoding in standard Zip headers. Use with caution, as it breaks compatibility with some 3rd party zip tools.
Minor changes and bug fixes
- Using the CompressionLevel.None value no longer generates an invalid zip file.
- Fixed bugs with LZMA compression where deadlocks or exceptions occurred when empty or very short files/streams were used.
- Fixed a bug where a ZipIOException ("Calculated authentication value does not match the reported value") was thrown when unzipping files that use LZMA compression and WinZipAES encryption.
- Fixed a bug where features from Xceed.Compression and Xceed.Compression.Formats were locked.
Changes that may affect your projects
- ZipWriter now produces Zip 2.0-compatible archives by default instead of Zip 4.5 archives, which couldn't be read by old or broken zip tools. An allowZip64Extensions parameter has been added to the constructor to manually control this.
(The corresponding .NET 3.5 version for this release is v4.3.)