Assembly file locations
The installer will copy all the necessary files into the product's installation folder, usually in
<Installation Folder>\Xceed Zip for .NET v#.#\Bin\
The assembly files located in the base directory target .NET framework 4.0 for maximum compatibility. However, different flavors of the components are available. These flavors target different version of the .NET framework or platforms to take advantage of new features.
.NET 4.5
<Installation Folder>\Xceed Zip for .NET v#.#\Bin\NET45
.NET Standard
<Installation Folder>\Xceed Zip for .NET v#.#\Bin\NETStandard
applications should use the .NET Standard flavor of the components. It is no longer necessary to use a Xamarin-specify flavor.
Add References in application projects
The only thing left to do in order to begin using Xceed's components is to add the appropriate assemblies to your project, and license the product for runtime use if the trial period has expired or if you have purchased a license key. You must purchase a license key in order to deploy an application built using Xceed Real-Time Zip for .NET / .NET CF to a customer.
To start using this product, perform the following steps:
Start Visual Studio
On the Start Page, click on the "Project..." link next to "Create:". This can also be done by selecting the "File\New\Project" menu item.
Under "Project types", select "Visual C# > Windows". If you do not see this language, it may be under "Other Languages". If you are creating an application for a mobile device, select "Visual C# > Smart Device" and choose the subcategory as necessary.
In the "Templates" section, select the type of application you want to create.
Enter the name of the project you want to create and the location where it will be created.
Click on the "OK" button.
Prior versions of the assemblies (6.8 and below) built for .NET 4 contained version numbers (v#.#) in their names. As of version 6.9, the names of the assemblies built for .NET 4, .NET 4.5, .NET Standard, Xamarin and older versions of .NET do not contain version numbers.
You are now ready to add the necessary assemblies to your project. To do so, perform the following steps:
To add references to the assemblies, select the "Add Reference" option from your "Project" menu. This can also be done by right-clicking on the "References" menu in the "Solution Explorer" and selecting the "Add Reference" option.
Select the ".NET" tab in the "Add Reference" dialog.
Select Xceed.Zip.dll, as well as Xceed.Compression.dll if you will be setting the compression method and level in your application. If the assemblies you need to reference are not in the list of available components, you can browse for it through the "Browse" tab.
Once you have finished selecting the assemblies from the list, click on the "OK" button.
PPMd compression is now incorporated into the Xceed.Compression.dll assembly. The Xceed.Compression.PPMd.v#.#.dll is now obsolete and is no longer distributed with this product.
You can then add using directives to your code to create aliases for existing namespaces and avoid having to type the fully qualified type names.
using Xceed.Zip.ReaderWriter;
//Only necessary if you need to set compression level/method.
using Xceed.Compression;
Finally, jump to the
Licensing topic for detailed instructions on when and how to license the components for runtime use.
See Also