Xceed Real-Time Zip for .NET Documentation
Listing the contents of a Zip archive
Welcome to Xceed Real-Time Zip for .NET, .NET Standard & Xamarin > Task-Based Help > Listing the contents of a Zip archive

The following example demonstrates how to list the contents of a Zip archive using the ZipReader.

static void ListContents()
  // Create a list to contain the zipped item names
  List<string> filenames = new List<string>();

  // TODO: Somehow obtain a stream to the source Zip file
  using( Stream zipFileStream = ObtainZipFileStream() )
    // Create a Zip reader object around the stream.
    // Remember that ZipReader doesn't close the underlying stream given here
    using( ZipReader zipReader = new ZipReader( zipFileStream ) )
      // Optional. Provide the default password for encrypted items in the archive
      zipReader.EncryptionPassword = "Password";

      // Create a large buffer for speed
      byte[] buffer = new byte[ 1024 * 1024 ];
      ZipItemLocalHeader zipItemLocalHeader;

      // While the reader finds local headers
      while( ( zipItemLocalHeader = zipReader.ReadItemLocalHeader() ) != null )
        // Add the filename to our list
        filenames.Add( zipItemLocalHeader.FileName );

        // Skip over the data using our buffer. This avoids recreating one each time
        zipReader.ReadItemData( Stream.Null, buffer, 0, buffer.Length );
      // Optional. Have the reader give us the zip ending header
      ZipEndHeader endHeader = zipReader.ReadEndHeader();
      // If the header contains a global zip comment
      if( endHeader != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty( endHeader.ZipComment ) )
        // TODO: Do something with the global zip comment
Shared Sub ListContents()
  ' Create a list to contain the zipped item names
  Dim filenames As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)()

  ' TODO: Somehow obtain a stream to the source Zip file
  Using zipFileStream As Stream = ObtainZipFileStream()
    ' Create a Zip reader object around the stream.
    ' Remember that ZipReader doesn't close the underlying stream given here
    Using zipReader As New ZipReader(zipFileStream)
      ' Optional. Provide the default password for encrypted items in the archive
      zipReader.EncryptionPassword = "Password"

      ' Create a large buffer for speed
      Dim buffer(1024 * 1024 - 1) As Byte

      Dim zipItemLocalHeader As ZipItemLocalHeader

      ' While the reader finds local headers
      zipItemLocalHeader = zipReader.ReadItemLocalHeader()
      Do While zipItemLocalHeader IsNot Nothing
        ' Add the filename to our list

        ' Skip over the data using our buffer. This avoids recreating one each time
        zipReader.ReadItemData(Stream.Null, buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
        zipItemLocalHeader = zipReader.ReadItemLocalHeader()

      ' Optional. Have the reader give us the zip ending header
      Dim endHeader As ZipEndHeader = zipReader.ReadEndHeader()

      ' If the header contains a global zip comment
      If endHeader IsNot Nothing AndAlso (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(endHeader.ZipComment)) Then
        ' TODO: Do something with the global zip comment
      End If
    End Using
  End Using
End Sub