Xceed Pro Themes for WPF v3.0 Documentation
Redistributable Files
Welcome to Xceed Pro Themes for WPF v3.0 > Deploying > Redistributable Files

Registered users are permitted to distribute the following assemblies along with any applications developed using Xceed's WPF themes. Under no circumstances is it permitted to distribute any other files. 

Both signed and unsigned versions of the assemblies containing Xceed's WPF themes are available. Either version can be distributed, but please remember that signed software of any kind can sometimes cause problems because the .NET Framework or the operating system must contact an authentication server, which can in turn trigger firewall alerts, etc.

Assembly Description
Xceed.Wpf.Themes.dll The Xceed.Wpf.Themes namespace defines the base class of the themes.
Xceed.Wpf.Themes.Glass.dll The Xceed.Wpf.Themes.Glass namespace defines the class of the Glass theme.
Xceed.Wpf.Themes.LiveExplorer.dll The Xceed.Wpf.Themes.LiveExplorer namespace defines the class of the Live Explorer theme.
Xceed.Wpf.Themes.Media.dll The Xceed.Wpf.Themes.Media namespace defines the class of the Media theme.
Xceed.Wpf.Themes.Metro.dll The Xceed.Wpf.Themes.Metro namespace defines the class of the Metro theme.
Xceed.Wpf.Themes.Office2007.dll The Xceed.Wpf.Themes.Office2007 namespace defines the class of the Office 2007 themes.
Xceed.Wpf.Themes.Windows7.dll The Xceed.Wpf.Themes.Windows7 namespace defines the class of the Windows 7 theme.
Xceed.Wpf.Themes.Windows10.dll The Xceed.Wpf.Themes.Windows10 namespace defines the class of the Windows 10 theme.

For details on rights and distribution restrictions, refer to the Xceed Software License Agreement.