Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 Documentation
ImageViewer Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

Xceed.Grid.v4.3 Assembly > Xceed.Grid.Viewers Namespace : ImageViewer Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ImageViewer.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets the System.ComponentModel.IContainer associated with the System.ComponentModel.ISite when implemented by a class. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public PropertyGets a reference to the underlining control used to view a cell's content. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public PropertyGets or sets the alignment of the image in the ImageArea. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public PropertyGets or sets the area where the viewer's image is displayed. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public PropertyGets or sets the padding surrounding the viewer's image. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public PropertyGets or sets the size of the viewer's image. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating the style with which the image is displayed. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public PropertyGets a boolean value indicating if one or more properties of the ReportStyle have been explicitly set. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public PropertyGets or sets a boolean value indicating if the image should preserve its aspect ratio. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public PropertyGets a value representing the property used to set the control's value. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public PropertyGets the report style of the viewer. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public PropertyGets or sets the System.ComponentModel.ISite associated with the System.ComponentModel.IComponent. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyGets the default value of the ImageAlignment property. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected PropertyOverridden. Gets the default value of the Xceed.Grid.ImageArea property.  
Protected PropertyGets the default value of the ImagePadding property. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected PropertyGets the default value of the ImageSize property. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected PropertyGets the default value of the ImageStyle property. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected Internal PropertyGets the default value of the PreserveImageAspectRatio property. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected PropertyGets the default value of the TextPadding property. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected PropertyGets a value that indicates whether the System.ComponentModel.Component is currently in design mode. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected PropertyGets a list of the events to which the CellViewerManager is subscribed. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected PropertyGets a collection of property names whose values have been explicitly set as well as the corresponding values. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public Methods
Public MethodOverloaded. Retrieves the image displayed by the viewer and raises the QueryImage event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public MethodOverloaded. Retrieves the text displayed by the viewer and raises the QueryText event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public MethodResets the value of the ImageAlignment property to its default value, DefaultImageAlignment. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public MethodResets the value of the ImageArea property to its default value, DefaultImageArea. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public MethodResets the value of the ImagePadding property to its default value, DefaultImagePadding. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public MethodResets the value of the ImageSize property to its default value, DefaultImageSize. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public MethodResets the value of the ImageStyle property to its default value, DefaultImageStyle. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public MethodResets the value of the PreserveImageAspectRatio property to its default value, DefaultPreserveImageAspectRatio. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public MethodResets the property values of the ReportStyle. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public MethodResets the value of the TextPadding property to its default value, DefaultTextPadding. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public MethodReturns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodCalculates the text and image areas of the cell viewer. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected Internal MethodCalculates the bounds of the viewer and raises the QueryControlBounds event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodCalculates the bounds of the viewer. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodOverloaded. Releases all resources. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodAllows the object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected Internal MethodRetrieves the viewer's accessibilty text for the specified Xceed.Grid.Cell and raises the QueryAccessibleText event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRetrieves the viewer's accessibilty text for the specified Xceed.Grid.Cell. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected Internal MethodRetrieves a value representing the fitted height of the viewer in pixels and raises the QueryFittedHeight event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRetrieves a value representing the fitted height of the viewer in pixels. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected Internal MethodRetrieves a value representing the fitted width of the viewer in pixels and raises the QueryFittedWidth event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRetrieves a value representing the fitted width of the viewer in pixels. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodOverridden. Retrieves the image that is displayed by the ImageViewer.  
Protected MethodRetrieves the value of the specified property in the Properties collection. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodReturns an object that represents a service provided by the System.ComponentModel.Component or by its Container. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRetrieves the text displayed by the viewer. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRetrieves a boolean value indicating if the specified property has been explicitly set. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRaises the ImageAlignmentChanged event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRaises the ImageAreaChanged event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRaises the ImagePaddingChanged event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRaises the ImageSizeChanged event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRaises the ImageStyleChanged event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRaises the PreserveImageAspectRatioChanged event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRaises the TextPaddingChanged event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected Internal MethodPaints the background of the cell. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected Internal MethodPaints the foreground of the cell. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRaises the specified event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodRemoves the specified property from the Properties collection. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected Internal MethodSets the underlining Control's appearance and raises the SettingControlAppearance event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodSets the underlining Control's appearance. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected Internal MethodAssigns the cell's value to the Control and raises the SettingControlValue event. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Protected MethodAssigns the cell's value to the Control. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public Events
Public EventRepresents the method that handles the Disposed event of a component. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised when the value of the ImageAlignment property is changed. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised when the value of the ImageArea property is changed. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised when the value of the ImagePadding property is changed. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised when the value of the ImageSize property is changed. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised when the value of the ImageStyle property is changed. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised after the cell's background and foreground have been painted. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised when the value of the PreserveImageAspectRatio property is changed. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised when retrieving a cell's accessibility text. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised when calculating the bounds of the control. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised to calculate the fitted height of the viewer in pixels. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised to calculate the fitted width of the viewer in pixels. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised when retrieving the image displayed by the cell viewer. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised when retrieving the text displayed by the cell viewer. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised when the appearance of the underlining control is about to be set. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised when the value of a cell is being assigned to the underlining Control. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
Public EventRaised when the value of the TextPadding property is changed. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.Viewers.CellViewerManager)
See Also


ImageViewer Class
Xceed.Grid.Viewers Namespace