Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 Documentation
TrackBarViewer class

Welcome to Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 > Advanced Concepts > Extending the grid's classes > CellEditorManager and CellViewerManager extensions > How to derive from the CellViewerManager class > TrackBarViewer class

The TrackBarViewer class demonstrates how to override the SetControlValueCore method to create a custom control CellViewerManager

VB.NET Copy Code

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports Xceed.Grid.Viewers
Imports System.Windows.Forms 

Class TrackBarViewer
   Inherits CellViewerManager 

   Public Sub New( ByVal minValue As Integer, ByVal maxValue As Integer )
    MyBase.New( New TrackBar(), "Value" ) 

    ' Because these variables affect all instances, there is no need for this to be done
    ' in the SetControlAppearanceCore method. If these values were to be applied differently
    ' depending on a cell value, then they should be done in the SetControlAppearance method.
    CType( Me.Control, TrackBar ).Minimum = minValue
    CType( Me.Control, TrackBar ).Maximum = maxValue
    CType( Me.Control, TrackBar ).TickStyle = TickStyle.None
    CType( Me.Control, TrackBar ).AutoSize = False
   End Sub 

   Protected Overrides Sub SetControlValueCore( ByVal cell As Xceed.Grid.Cell )
    ' Verify that the cell's value is not null as null is not supported by the underlying
    ' TrackBar control. If it is null, set 0 as the control's value instead. 

    If( ( Not cell.Value Is Nothing ) And ( Not cell.Value Is DBNull.Value ) And _
                                          ( Not cell.Value Is cell.NullValue ) ) Then

       CType( Me.Control, TrackBar ).Value = CInt( Convert.ChangeType( cell.Value, _
                                             GetType( Integer ) ) )
       CType( Me.Control, TrackBar ).Value = 0
    End If
   End Sub
End Class

C# Copy Code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Xceed.Grid.Viewers;
using System.Windows.Forms; 

namespace Xceed.Grid.Samples
   class TrackBarViewer : CellViewerManager
    public TrackBarViewer( int minValue, int maxValue )
       : base( new TrackBar(), "Value" )
       // Because these variables affect all instances, there is no need for this to be done
       // in the SetControlAppearanceCore method. If these values were to be applied differently
       // depending on a cell value, then they should be done in the SetControlAppearance method. 

       ( ( TrackBar )this.Control ).Minimum = minValue;
       ( ( TrackBar )this.Control ).Maximum = maxValue;
       ( ( TrackBar )this.Control ).TickStyle = TickStyle.None;
       ( ( TrackBar )this.Control ).AutoSize = false;

     protected override void SetControlValueCore( Xceed.Grid.Cell cell )
       // Verify that the cell's value is not null as null is not supported by the underlying
       // TrackBar control. If it is null, set 0 as the control's value instead.
       if( ( cell.Value != null ) && ( cell.Value != DBNull.Value ) &&
                                     ( cell.Value != cell.NullValue ) )
        ( ( TrackBar )this.Control ).Value = ( int )Convert.ChangeType( cell.Value, typeof( int ) );
        ( ( TrackBar )this.Control ).Value = 0;