Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 Documentation
Using the QueryGroupKeys event

Welcome to Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 > Basic Concepts > Events > Using the QueryGroupKeys event

The QueryGroupKeys event is raised after a data row has been created in order to group it. It allows custom grouping of the grid's data rows.

Basic steps - C#

To subscribe to the QueryGroupKeys event, the following steps must be performed:

Basic steps - VB.NET

To subscribe to the QueryGroupKeys event, the following steps must be performed:


The following example will group all the data rows according to the value of the ShipCountry cell. All data rows whose ShipCountry cell's value begins with A to M will be grouped together while those from N to Z will be grouped together. 

The second group level will regroup all data rows according to the value of the ShipCity cell. All data rows whose ShipCity cell's value begin with the 2 same letters will be grouped together. For example, Mannheim and Marseille will be regrouped together. 

VB.NET Copy Code
Imports Xceed.Grid
gridControl1.GroupTemplates.Add( New Group() )
gridControl1.GroupTemplates.Add( New Group() )
AddHandler gridControl1.QueryGroupKeys, AddressOf Me.grid_QueryGroupKeys
' This method will handle the QueryGroupKeys events that are raised.
Private Sub grid_QueryGroupKeys( ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As QueryGroupKeysEventArgs )
    Dim countryValue As String = e.DataRow.Cells( "ShipCountry" ).Value.ToString().Substring( 0, _
                                                                                      1 ).ToUpper()
    If( countryValue.CompareTo( "M" ) > 0 ) Then
      e.GroupKeys( 0 ) = "N-Z"
      e.GroupKeys( 0 ) = "A-M"
    End If
    Dim cityValue As String = e.DataRow.Cells( "ShipCity" ).Value.ToString().Substring( 0, 2 ).ToUpper()
    e.GroupKeys( 1 ) = cityValue
  Catch exception As Exception
    MessageBox.Show( exception.ToString() )
  End Try
End Sub
' If you no longer wish to handle the QueryGroupKeys events that are raised,
' you can unsubscribe from the event notification by doing the following:
RemoveHandler gridControl1.QueryGroupKeys, AddressOf Me.grid_QueryGroupKeys
C# Copy Code
using Xceed.Grid;
gridControl1.GroupTemplates.Add( new Group( "ShipCountry" ) );
gridControl1.GroupTemplates.Add( new Group( "ShipCity" ) );
gridControl1.QueryGroupKeys += new QueryGroupKeysEventHandler( this.grid_QueryGroupKeys );
// This method will handle the QueryGroupKeys events that are raised.
private void grid_QueryGroupKeys( object sender, QueryGroupKeysEventArgs e )
    string countryValue = e.DataRow.Cells[ "ShipCountry" ].Value.ToString().Substring( 0, 1 ).ToUpper();
    if( countryValue.CompareTo( "M" ) > 0 )
      e.GroupKeys[ 0 ] = "N-Z";
      e.GroupKeys[ 0 ] = "A-M";      
    string cityValue = e.DataRow.Cells[ "ShipCity" ].Value.ToString().Substring( 0, 2 ).ToUpper();     
    e.GroupKeys[ 1 ] = cityValue;
  catch( Exception exception )
    MessageBox.Show( exception.ToString() );
// If you no longer wish to handle the QueryGroupKeys events that are raised,
// you can unsubscribe from the event notification by doing the following:
gridControl1.QueryGroupKeys -= new QueryGroupKeysEventHandler( this.grid_QueryGroupKeys );