Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 Documentation
Stretchable Agenda Sample Application (Editor Controls)
Welcome to Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 > Sample applications > Stretchable Agenda Sample Application (Editor Controls)

Programming languages



This sample demonstrates how to create a zoomable agenda-style calendar with appointments.

This sample demonstrate how to:

How to use

Resizing the calendar will zoom-in/out. Double-clicking on a day that has an appointment(s) will open a dropdown with the scheduled appointments for the day. New appointments can be added programmatically by creating a new instance of the Appointment class and adding it to the calendar's Appointments collection.

Project location & filename

C#: Xceed Samples\Xceed Editors for WinForms v#.#\CSharp\StretchableAgenda\StretchableAgenda.csproj

VB.NET: Xceed Samples\Xceed Editors for WinForms v#.#\Visual Basic .NET\StretchableAgenda\StretchableAgenda.vbproj