Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 Documentation
How to license the component once you purchase

Welcome to Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 > Installation Instructions > How to license the component once you purchase

If you have purchased a registered license key, here is how the licensing process works:

  1. Receive your registered license key at the email address used during the purchase.

  2. Set the Licenser.LicenseKey property with this license key. See the LicenseKey property section below for details.

  3. Compile your application and deploy it.

If you do not have a registered license key, please contact Xceed at 1-800-865-2626, ext. 228, or send an email to sales@xceed.com to purchase a license or to have your license key resent to you if you have lost it.

LicenseKey property

The LicenseKey property of the Licenser class must be set with a valid license key, before any other method of your Xceed component is called. If you use an invalid or expired license key, fail to license the control with a registered license key after the trial period, or license it in the wrong place in your code, an exception will be thrown at runtime. 

We recommend that you set the LicenseKey property in the main entry point of the application. For example, C# users can set the LicenseKey property in the static main function. VB.NET users can set the LicenseKey property in the constructor of the main form or in the "Sub Main" procedure. 

If no entry point is available, it is recommended that you set the LicenseKey property in a static constructor of a class that will be accessed systematically before any of the library's classes are instantiated or, you can simply set the LicenseKey property immediately BEFORE you instantiate a class. The property should be set as follows (using your valid license key):

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Xceed.Grid.Licenser.LicenseKey = "GRDXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX"
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Xceed.Grid.Licenser.LicenseKey = "GRDXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX";

External controls

Grid users also receive the license keys that allow for the editor controls and input validation capabilities to be used outside of the grid. In order to use the editor controls as well as the validation capabilities outside of the grid, the provided license keys must be assigned to the LicenseKey property of the appropriate namespace.

Editor Controls

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Xceed.Editors.Licenser.LicenseKey = "EDNXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX"
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Xceed.Editors.Licenser.LicenseKey = "EDNXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX";

Validation capabilties

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Xceed.Validation.Licenser.LicenseKey = "IVNXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX"
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Xceed.Validation.Licenser.LicenseKey = "IVNXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX";