The grid does support having more than one ColumnManagerRow in its headers, however it does not support (directly) having grouped column headers as demonstrated in the image below:

In order to simulate column grouping you must create a custom row (that derives from the Row class and not from the ColumnManagerRow class) and use it in your grid.
The following code (class) demonstrates the minimum implementation required to simulate column grouping:
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Imports System Imports Xceed.Grid Imports System.Drawing Public Class CustomColumnManagerRow Inherits Row Protected Sub New( ByVal template As CustomColumnManagerRow ) MyBase.New( template ) End Sub Public Sub New( ByVal selector As RowSelector ) MyBase.New( selector ) End Sub Public Sub New( ByVal columns As Integer ) MyBase.New() m_columns = columns End Sub Protected Overrides Function CreateInstance() As Xceed.Grid.Row Return New CustomColumnManagerRow( Me ) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub PaintForeground( ByVal e As GridPaintEventArgs ) Dim width As Integer = 0 Dim lastColumn As Integer = 0 Dim j As Integer For j = 0 To Me.ParentGrid.Columns.Count \ m_columns - 1 Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To m_columns - 1 width += Me.ParentGrid.Columns( lastColumn ).Width lastColumn = lastColumn + 1 Next i e.Graphics.DrawLine( Me.ParentGrid.GridLinePen, e.DisplayRectangle.X + width - 1, _ 0, e.DisplayRectangle.X + width - 1, Me.Height ) Next j End Sub Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property DefaultHeight As Integer Get Return 16 End Get End Property
Protected Overrides Function GetFittedDisplayHeight( ByVal mode As AutoHeightMode, ByVal graphics As Graphics, ByVal printing As Boolean ) As Integer Return Me.DefaultHeight End Function Protected Overrides Readonly Property DefaultCanBeCurrent As Boolean Get Return False End Get End Property Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsBackColorAmbient As Boolean Get Return False End Get End Property Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property DefaultBackColor As System.Drawing.Color Get Return SystemColors.Control End Get End Property Private m_columns As Integer = 0 End Class
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using System; using Xceed.Grid; using System.Drawing; namespace Xceed.Grid { public class CustomColumnManagerRow : Row { protected CustomColumnManagerRow( CustomColumnManagerRow template ) :base( template ){}
public CustomColumnManagerRow( RowSelector selector ) :base( selector ){}
public CustomColumnManagerRow( int columns ) :base() { m_columns = columns; }
protected override Xceed.Grid.Row CreateInstance() { return new CustomColumnManagerRow( this ); }
protected override void PaintForeground( GridPaintEventArgs e ) { int width = 0; int lastColumn = 0; for( int j = 0; j < this.ParentGrid.Columns.Count / m_columns; j++ ) { for( int i = 0; i < m_columns; i++ ) { width += this.ParentGrid.Columns[ lastColumn ].Width; lastColumn++; } e.Graphics.DrawLine( this.ParentGrid.GridLinePen, e.DisplayRectangle.X + width - 1, 0, e.DisplayRectangle.X + width - 1, this.Height ); } } protected override int DefaultHeight { get{ return 16; } }
protected override int GetFittedDisplayHeight( AutoHeightMode mode, Graphics graphics, bool printing ) { return this.DefaultHeight; } protected override bool DefaultCanBeCurrent { get { return false; } } public override bool IsBackColorAmbient { get{ return false; } } protected override System.Drawing.Color DefaultBackColor { get{ return SystemColors.Control; } } private int m_columns = 0; } }
Your custom column manager row can then be used in your grid. For example:
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GridControl1.FixedHeaderRows.Insert( 0, _ New CustomColumnManagerRow( gridControl1.Columns.Count / 2 ) )
GridControl1.FixedHeaderRows.Insert( 1, _ New CustomColumnManagerRow( gridControl1.Columns.Count / 4 ) )
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gridControl1.FixedHeaderRows.Insert( 0, new CustomColumnManagerRow( gridControl1.Columns.Count / 2 ) );
gridControl1.FixedHeaderRows.Insert( 1, new CustomColumnManagerRow( gridControl1.Columns.Count / 4 ) );
If you have a regular ColumnMangerRow in your grid, you must disable column reordering when also using this custom column manager row.
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ColumnManagerRow1.AllowColumnReorder = False |
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columnManagerRow1.AllowColumnReorder = false; |