Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 Documentation
ExcelExporter events

Welcome to Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 > Basic Concepts > Events > ExcelExporter events

Xceed Grid for WinForms provides events that are raised when the various XML elements in an exported spreadsheet are being written. The following table lists these events: 

Event Description
WritingCell Raised when a Cell element is being written.
WritingColumn Raised when a Column element is being written.
WritingRow Raised when a Row element is being written.
WritingTable Raised when a Table element is being written.
WritingWorkbook Raised when a Workbook element is being written.
WritingWorksheet Raised when a Worksheet element is being written.

The WritingCell event will be demonstrated in this topic. The use of ExcelExporter's CustomStyles property will also be demonstrated. This property holds a collection of ExcelStyle objects that can be used to modify the appearance of elements in the spreadsheet. The code below uses the Northwind database as an example. The style of a cell is changed in the EmployeeID column if it has a value of 4.

Basic steps - C#

To subscribe to the WritingCell event, the following steps must be performed:

Basic steps - VB.NET

To subscribe to the WritingCell event, the following steps must be performed:


This example assumes that you are in a Windows application.

VB.NET Copy Code
Imports Xceed.Grid.Exporting

Dim excelExporter1 As New ExcelExporter()
AddHandler excelExporter1.WritingCell, AddressOf ExcelExporter_WritingCell

Dim excelStyle1 As New ExcelStyle(Color.Red, Color.White, _
                                  New System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9, _
                                                           FontStyle.Bold), _

Dim m_newStyleAdded As String = excelExporter1.CustomStyles.Add(excelStyle1)

excelExporter1.Export(Me.gridControl1, "d:\test\spreadsheet1.xml")

Private Sub ExcelExporter_WritingCell(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Xceed.Grid.Exporting.WritingCellElementEventArgs)

   If e.Cell Is Nothing Then
   End If

   'We want to highlight a cell in the Employee ID column only if it's employee number 4.
   If e.Cell.ParentColumn Is GridControl1.Columns("EmployeeID") AndAlso CInt(e.Cell.Value) = 4 Then

    Dim excelExporter As ExcelExporter = CType(sender, ExcelExporter)

    If e.Attributes.Contains("StyleID") Then
       e.Attributes("StyleID").Value = excelExporter.CustomStyles(m_newStyleAdded).ID
    End If
   End If
End Sub                       
C# Copy Code
using Xceed.Grid.Exporting;

ExcelExporter excelExporter1 = new ExcelExporter();
excelExporter1.WritingCell += new WritingCellElementEventHandler(ExcelExporter_WritingCell);

ExcelStyle excelStyle1 = new ExcelStyle(Color.Red, Color.White,
                                        new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9,

string m_newStyleAdded = excelExporter1.CustomStyles.Add(excelStyle1);
excelExporter1.Export(this.gridControl1, @"d:\test\spreadsheet1.xml");

private void ExcelExporter_WritingCell(object sender, Xceed.Grid.Exporting.WritingCellElementEventArgs e)
   if (e.Cell == null)

   //We want to highlight a cell in the Employee ID column only if it's employee number 4
   if( ( e.Cell.ParentColumn == gridControl1.Columns[ "EmployeeID" ] )
    && ( ( int )e.Cell.Value == 4 ) )
    ExcelExporter excelExporter = ( ExcelExporter )sender;

    if( e.Attributes.Contains( "StyleID" ) )
       e.Attributes[ "StyleID" ].Value = excelExporter.CustomStyles[ m_newStyleAdded ].ID;