Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 Documentation
CellViewerManager members
Welcome to Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 > Basic Concepts > CellEditorManagers and CellViewerManagers > How to use cell viewers > CellViewerManager members

The following tables provide a list of all the public members available on the CellViewerManager class. A list of the protected members is also available here.

Constructors Description
CellViewerManager() Initializes a new instance of the CellViewerManager class.
CellViewerManager( Control, string ); Initializes a new instance of the CellViewerManager class specifying the control used to view a cell's content as well as the property used to get/set the control's value.
Properties Description
Control Gets a reference to the underlining control used to view a cell's content.
ImageAlignment Gets or sets the alignment of the image in the ImageArea.
ImageArea Gets or sets the area where the viewer's image is displayed.
ImagePadding Gets or sets the padding surrounding the viewer's image.
ImageSize Gets the size of the viewer's image.
ImageStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the style with which the image is displayed.
PreserveImageAspectRatio Gets or sets a boolean value indicating if the image should preserve its aspect ratio.
PropertyName Gets a value representing the property used to get/set the control's value.
TextPadding Gets or sets the padding surrounding the viewer's text.
Methods Description
GetImage Retrieves the image displayed by the viewer and raises the QueryImage event.
GetText Retrieves the text displayed by the viewer and raises the QueryText event.
ResetImageAlignment Resets the value of the ImageAlignment property to its default value.
ResetImageArea Resets the value of the ImageArea property to its default value.
ResetImagePadding Resets the value of the ImagePadding property to its default value.
ResetImageSize Resets the value of the ImageSize property to its default value.
ResetImageStyle Resets the value of the ImageStyle property to its default value.
ResetPreserveImageAspectRatio Resets the value of the PreserveImageAspectRatio property to its default value.
ResetTextPadding Resets the value of the TextPadding property to its default value.
Events Description
ImageAlignmentChanged Raised when the value of the ImageAlignment property is changed.
ImageAreaChanged Raised when the value of the ImageArea property is changed.
ImagePaddingChanged Raised when the value of the ImagePadding property is changed.
ImageSizeChanged Raised when the value of the ImageSize property is changed.
ImageStyleChanged Raised when the value of the ImageStyle property is changed.
Paint Raised after the cell's background and foreground have been painted.
PreserveImageAspectRatioChanged Raised when the value of the PreserveImageAspectRatio property is changed.
QueryAccessibleText Raised when retrieving a cell's accessibility text.
QueryControlBounds Raised when calculating the bounds of the control.
QueryFittedHeight Raised to calculate the fitted height of the viewer in pixels.
QueryFittedWidth Raised to calculate the fitted width of the viewer in pixels.
QueryImage Raised when retrieving the image displayed by the cell viewer.
QueryText Raised when retrieving the text displayed by the cell viewer.
SettingControlAppearance Raised when the appearance of the underlining Control is about to be set.
SettingControlValue Raised when the value of a cell is being assigned to the underlining Control.
TextPaddingChanged Raised when the value of the TextPadding property is changed.