Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 Documentation
CellEditorManager members
Welcome to Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 > Basic Concepts > CellEditorManagers and CellViewerManagers > How to use cell editors > CellEditorManager members

The following tables provide a list of all the public members available on the CellEditorManager class. A list of the protected members is also available here.  

Constructors Description
CellEditorManager( Control, string, bool, bool ); Initializes a new instance of the CellEditorManager class specifying the control that will be used as a template to edit the content of cells, as well as other characteristics that will apply to the editor.
Properties Description
InPlace Gets a boolean value indicating if the Control is painted within the bounds of the cell.
TemplateControl Gets the Control that will be used as a template to create the controls that will edit the content of cells.
Events Description
ActivatingControl Raised to activate the control that will be used to edit the content of its corresponding cell.
DeactivatingControl Raised to deactivate the control that was used to edit the content of its corresponding cell.
GettingControlValue Raised when retrieving the value assigned to the editor.
QueryActivationChar Raised when a character is pressed to determine if it the editor is activated by the character.
QueryActivationKey Raised when a key is pressed to determine if it the editor is activated by the key.
QueryEditorBounds Raised when calculating the bounds of the editor.
QueryFittedHeight Raised to calculate the fitted height of the editor in pixels.
QueryFittedWidth Raised to calculate the fitted width of the editor in pixels.
QueryInputChar Raised to determine if a character is an input character that the editor recognizes.
QueryInputKey Raised to determine whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing.
SettingControlAppearance Raised to set the appearance of the control that will be used to edit the content of its corresponding cell.
SettingControlValue Raised when the value of a cell is about to be assigned to the control used to edit its content.
Validating Raised when validating the editor's value to determine if it can be assigned to its underlying cell.