This example demonstrates the 8 following steps for listing files with the GetFolderContents method:
Specify the FTP server's address
Specify the username to login
Specify the password for the username
Connect to the FTP server
Obtain the directory listing object
Disconnect from the FTP server
Process the listed items
Perform error handling
NOTE: The code below considers that you are using the #import compiler directive (included in the code below)
VC++ ATL |
Copy Code |
#import "XceedFtp.dll" named_guids no_namespace
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { CoInitialize( NULL );
try // for step (8) { IXceedFtpPtr piXceedFtp( CLSID_XceedFtp ); piXceedFtp->License( _bstr_t( L"your license key ) );
piXceedFtp->ServerAddress = ""; // step (1) piXceedFtp->UserName = "anonymous"; // step (2) piXceedFtp->Password = "guest"; // step (3)
piXceedFtp->Connect(); // step (4)
printf( "Successfully connected to the server.\nObtaining the contents of the current remote folder.\n" );
try // for step (8) { IXceedFtpFolderItemsPtr piFolderItems; // for step (7) IXceedFtpFolderItemPtr piItem; // for step (7) _bstr_t sName;
// step (5) piFolderItems = piXceedFtp->GetFolderContents( _bstr_t( "" ), fcfCollection );
printf( "Successfully obtained the contents of the remote folder.\n");
// step (7) for( long lIndex = 1; lIndex <= piFolderItems->Count; lIndex++ ) { piItem = piFolderItems->Item[ &_variant_t( lIndex ) ]; sName = piItem->GetItemName();
printf( "%S\n", ( const WCHAR* )sName ); } } catch( const _com_error& xErr ) // step (8) { printf( "An error occurred: %s\n", ( const WCHAR* ) xErr.Description() ); } catch( ... ) { printf( "An unexpected error occurred" ); } } catch( const _com_error& xErr ) // step (8) { printf( "An error occurred : %s\n", ( const WCHAR* ) xErr.Description() ); } catch( ... ) { printf( "An unexpected error occurred" ); }
CoUninitialize(); return 0; } |