This example demonstrates the 7 following steps for receiving files:
Specify the FTP server's address
Specify the username to login
Specify the password for the username
Connect to the FTP server
Send files
Disconnect from the FTP server
Perform error handling
The following code assumes you have placed an XceedFtp control on a form and have called it 'XceedFtp1' (the default name) .
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XceedFtp1.License( 'your license key' );
XceedFtp1.ServerAddress := ''; {step (1)} XceedFtp1.UserName := 'jacob'; {step (2)} XceedFtp1.Password := 'ladder'; {step (3)}
try {step (7)}
XceedFtp1.Connect; {step (4)}
ShowMessage('Successfully connected to server. Starting upload.');
try {step (7)}
XceedFtp1.SendFile('c:\to upload\file.dat', 0, 'incoming\file.dat', False); {step (5)}
{ Use the SendMultipleFiles method if you want to use wildcards to send more than one file at a time. } ShowMessage('Successfully uploaded the file.'); except on xErr: Exception do ShowMessage('Upload error. Description: '+ xErr.Message); end;
XceedFtp1.Disconnect; {step (6)} except on xErr: Exception do ShowMessage('Connect error. Description: '+ xErr.Message); end;