Xceed FTP Library Documentation
SendMultipleFiles quick method example (Visual C++ ATL)
Example topics > SendMultipleFiles quick method example (Visual C++ ATL)

Here is an example of using the XceedQuickFtp control's SendMultipleFiles method with ATL. Includes error handling. Uses the #import compiler directive.

Visual C++ ATL Copy Code

#import "XceedFtp.dll" named_guids no_namespace

   CoInitialize( NULL );

      IXceedQuickFtpPtr piQuickFtp( CLSID_XceedQuickFtp );
piQuickFtp->License( _bstr_t( L"your license key ) );

      piQuickFtp->SendMultipleFiles( "", 21, "anonymous", "guest", "C:\\My_Files\\*", FALSE, "Upload\\My_Files", FALSE );
   catch ( const _com_error xErr )
      printf( "Error : %s\n", ( const WCHAR* ) xErr.Description );
   catch( ... )
      printf( "Unexpected error" );

   return 0;