Xceed FTP Library Documentation
ChangeCurrentFolder method
XceedFtp control reference > Methods > ChangeCurrentFolder method


Changes the FTP server's current working folder .

The folder or path you specify in the sFolder parameter can be relative to the current folder, or can be an absolute path on the remote system. If you wish to change the current folder to the parent folder, or rewind to the parent folder, you should use the ChangeToParentFolder method instead of the traditional ".." path item, which is a system-specific notation that may not work on all FTP servers.

A trailing backslash is not required.

This method can only be used when the CurrentState property's value is fcsConnected.


Parameter Description
sFolder The new folder or path to change to.


Methods that send the PWD command do not report errors in the case where the PWD command fails.

HRESULT ChangeCurrentFolder( [in] BSTR sFolder )

Applicable properties

CurrentFolder, AutoRefreshCurrentFolder

Events triggered

LoggingCommandLine, ProcessCompleted