Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
Redistributable files
Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Deploying > Redistributable files

Registered users of Xceed Zip for .NET or Xceed FTP for .NET are permitted to distribute the following component assemblies along with applications they develop. Under no circumstances may any other component files be distributed. 

Prior versions of the assemblies (6.8 and below) built for .NET 4 contained version numbers (v#.#) in their names. As of version 6.9, the names of the assemblies built for .NET 4, .NET 4.5, .NET Standard, Xamarin and older versions of .NET do not contain version numbers in their names.

Assembly Description
Xceed.Compression.dll Implements the Xceed.Compression namespace and Xceed.Compression.PPMd namespace. This includes data compression algorithms used by Zip, Ftp and SSH for .NET 4.x.
Xceed.Compression.Xamarin.Android.dll Implements the Xceed.Compression namespace and Xceed.Compression.PPMd namespace. This includes data compression algorithms used by Zip, Ftp and SSH for Xamarin Android.
Xceed.Compression.Xamarin.iOS.dll Implements the Xceed.Compression namespace and Xceed.Compression.PPMd namespace. This includes data compression algorithms used by Zip, Ftp and SSH for Xamarin iOS.
Xceed.Compression.Formats.dll Implements the compression format classes. This includes formatted compressed streams used for performing compression and decompression tasks on raw streams for .NET 4.x.
Xceed.Compression.Formats.Xamarin.Android.dll Implements the compression format classes. This includes formatted compressed streams used for performing compression and decompression tasks on raw streams for Xamarin Android.
Xceed.Compression.Formats.Xamarin.iOS.dll Implements the compression format classes. This includes formatted compressed streams used for performing compression and decompression tasks on raw streams for Xamarin iOS.
Xceed.FileSystem.dll Implements the Xceed.FileSystem namespace for .NET 4.x.
Xceed.FileSystem.Xamarin.Android.dll Implements the Xceed.FileSystem namespace for Xamarin Android.
Xceed.FileSystem.Xamarin.iOS.dll Implements the Xceed.FileSystem namespace for Xamarin iOS.
Xceed.FileSystem.Windows.dll Implements the Xceed.FileSystem.Windows namespace.
Xceed.Ftp.dll Implements the Xceed.Ftp namespace.
Xceed.GZip.dll Implements the Xceed.GZip namespace
Xceed.SSH.Client.dll Implements an SSH client and SFTP client functionality compiled for .NET 4.x.
Xceed.SSH.Client.Xamarin.Android.dll Implements an SSH client and SFTP client functionality compiled for Xamarin Android.
Xceed.SSH.Client.Xamarin.iOS.dll Implements an SSH client and SFTP client functionality compiled for Xamarin iOS.
Xceed.SSH.Core.dll Implements core SSH functionality and interfaces like SSH types and packet I/O for .NET 4.x.
Xceed.SSH.Core.Xamarin.Android.dll Implements core SSH functionality and interfaces like SSH types and packet I/O for Xamarin Android.
Xceed.SSH.Core.Xamarin.iOS.dll Implements core SSH functionality and interfaces like SSH types and packet I/O for Xamarin iOS.
Xceed.SSH.Protocols.dll Implements SSH protocols: Transport, Authentication and Connection for .NET 4.x.
Xceed.SSH.Protocols.Xamarin.Android.dll Implements SSH protocols: Transport, Authentication and Connection for Xamarin Android.
Xceed.SSH.Protocols.Xamarin.iOS.dll Implements SSH protocols: Transport, Authentication and Connection for Xamarin iOS.
Xceed.SSH.SFtp.dll Implements the SFTP protocol for .NET 4.x.
Xceed.SSH.SFtp.Xamarin.Android.dll Implements the SFTP protocol for Xamarin Android.
Xceed.SSH.SFtp.Xamarin.iOS.dll Implements the SFTP protocol for Xamarin iOS.
Xceed.Tar.dll Implements the Xceed.Tar namespace.
Xceed.Zip.dll Implements the Xceed.Zip namespace.
Typical scenarios

Depending on your usage, not every component assembly needs to be deployed. Here are some typical usage scenarios and what assemblies are required for it. 

Xceed SFtp for Xamarin is the same as Xceed SFtp for .NET except that it has been compiled for Xamarin Android and Xamarin iOS. As such, the API is the same but the assembly Dlls have different names. So Xamarin application projects will add references to the desired assemblies that have the .Xamarin.Android.dll or .Xamarin.iOS.dll suffix. The application will distribute those files as well.

Component Dependencies Notes
Xceed.Compression.Formats Xceed.Compression This is an optional assembly this is not directly used by the main components. To use it, use your Zip, Ftp or Real-Time Zip license key.
Xceed.FileSystem.Windows Xceed.FileSystem

This is an optional assembly this is not directly used by the main components. To use it, use your Zip, Ftp or SFtp license key.

BEWARE: This assembly contains code that makes native calls to the Windows API. As such, it will only work on Windows machines and requires the "full trust" permission level.

Xceed.Ftp Xceed.FileSystem
System.Windows.Forms is used by Xceed.Ftp.
Xceed.GZip Xceed.FileSystem
Xceed.SSH.Client Xceed.FileSystem

This is for the typical scenario when you wish to use SFtp.
Xceed.SSH.Client implements an SFtp client through the FileSystem API.

Xceed.SSH.SFtp Xceed.SSH.Core For advanced scenarios where the goal is to use SFTP over a protocol other than SSH.
Xceed.Tar Xceed.FileSystem
Xceed.Zip Xceed.FileSystem
Xceed.Compression.Formats is not required.
System.Drawing is used by the XceedSfxPrefix class.

For details on your rights and on distribution restrictions, please see the Xceed Software License Agreement.

See Also