AbstractFile hostFile = new DiskFile( @"d:\hello.gz" );
AbstractFile file1 = new GZippedFile( hostFile );
//Calling the constructor a second time when passing a host file that is empty will return a DIFFERENT filename.
AbstractFile file2 = new GZippedFile( hostFile );
Console.WriteLine( "file1: {0} {1}", file1.Name, file1.Exists );
Console.WriteLine( "file2: {0} {1}", file2.Name, file2.Exists );
//The item is created by calling the Create method.
//Once the Create method has been called to create an item, calling the ctor always returns that item.
AbstractFile file3 = new GZippedFile( hostFile );
Console.WriteLine( "file1: {0} {1}", file1.Name, file1.Exists );
Console.WriteLine( "file2: {0} {1}", file2.Name, file2.Exists );
Console.WriteLine( "file3: {0} {1}", file3.Name, file3.Exists );