Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
GZippedFile Class Methods

Xceed.GZip Assembly > Xceed.GZip Namespace : GZippedFile Class

For a list of all members of this type, see GZippedFile members.

Public Methods
Public MethodOverloaded. Copies the item's properties to another item. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Public MethodOverloaded. Copies the file's data to another file. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Public MethodOverloaded. Creates the physical item represented by this Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem object. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Public MethodCreates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodOverloaded. Creates a file and opens it for writing. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Public MethodOverloaded. Permanently deletes the physical item. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Public Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Public Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Public Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Public MethodRetrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Public MethodObtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodOverridden. Gets a boolean value indicating if the source and target items represent the same physical entity.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Moves the contents of the Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile object to the target Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile object. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Public MethodOverloaded. Opens the file for reading. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Public MethodOverloaded. Opens the file for writing. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Public MethodOverloaded. Re-reads the information from the physical item. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Public Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Public MethodReturns the full name of the item. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected Methods
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected Internal MethodBuilds a list of Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem objects to process. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Protected MethodHandles the special cases in regards to building the list of items to process when creating a Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem object. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodOverridden. This method is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.  
Protected MethodOverridden. Reserved for internal use.  
Protected MethodCopies the file into the destination. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Protected MethodOverridden. Actual implementation of Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem.Create.  
Protected MethodCreates the file and opens it for writing. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Protected MethodOverridden. Actual implementation of Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem.Delete.  
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodOverridden. Actual implementation of Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile.OpenRead.  
Protected MethodOverridden. Actual implementation of OpenWrite(Boolean).  
Protected MethodOverridden. Actual implementation of Refresh.  
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodEnsures that the System.DateTime value is valid. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodRetrieves a value indicating the default FileShare value to be used when opening read streams for copy/move operations. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Protected MethodRetrieves a value indicating the default FileShare value to be used when opening write streams for copy/move operations. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Protected MethodReturns the recommended buffer size for a stream copy operation. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Protected MethodOverridden. This method is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.  
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodCopies each item in the Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession object's list to each item's destination. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodCopies the item pair's current Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem to its target Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodCreates each item in the Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession object's list. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodCreates the item pair's current Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodDeletes each item in the Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession object's list. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodDeletes the item pair's current Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodMoves each item in the Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession object's list to each item's destination. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodMoves the item pair's current Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem to its target Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodOverloaded. Creates a shallow copy of the current System.MarshalByRefObject object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected MethodCalled when a client explicitly calls Create. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem)
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
Protected Method (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile)
See Also


GZippedFile Class
Xceed.GZip Namespace