Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
How to copy items from an FTP server to another

Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Task-Based Help > FTP capabilities > Working with classes from the Xceed.FileSystem namespace > How to copy items from an FTP server to another

Items can be copied or moved from one location to another using the CopyTo, CopyFilesTo, MoveTo, or MoveFilesTo methods. Both the source location/items can be located on an FTP server or any other type of folder supported by the Xceed FileSystem

The following example demonstrates how to copy files located in a folder on an FTP server to another FTP server using the steps listed below:

  1. Create an instance of the FtpConnection class to7 establish a connection between the client and the source FTP server. If you are using FtpConnection in a UI application, assign your form (or any other control that implements the ISynchronizeInvoke interface) to the SynchronizingObject property and call Application.DoEvents in an event; see the Events section below for an example of this.

  2. Create an instance of the FtpConnection class to establish a connection between the client and the destination FTP server. If you are using FtpConnection in a UI application, assign your form (or any other control that implements the ISynchronizeInvoke interface) to the SynchronizingObject property and call Application.DoEvents in an event; see the Events section below for an example of this.

  3. Create an instance of an FtpFolder which will represent the folder on the source FTP server from which to retrieve the files. If a folder name is not specified, the folder will represent the current working folder. 

  4. Create an instance of an FtpFolder which will represent the folder on the destination FTP server to which the files will be copied. If a folder name is not specified, the folder will represent the current working folder. 

  5. Call the FtpFolder's CopyFilesTo method to copy the files from the source FTP server to the destination FTP server. 

  6. Dispose of the FtpConnections once the file transfer is completed by calling their Dispose methods or, in C#, by creating the FtpConnections instances in using blocks. If an instance of an FtpConnection object is not disposed of, connections with the FTP server may remain active until the FTP server times-out or the garbage-collector passes. 

VB.NET Copy Code

Imports Xceed.FileSystem
Imports Xceed.Ftp

Dim sourceFTP As FtpConnection
Dim destinationFTP As FtpConnection

  sourceFTP = New FtpConnection( "ftp.cdrom.com" )
  destinationFTP = New FtpConnection( "ftp.server.com" )

  Dim sourceFolder As New FtpFolder(sourceFTP, "pub\simtelnet")
  Dim destinationFolder As New FtpFolder(destinationFTP, sourceFolder.Name)

  sourceFolder.CopyFilesTo( destinationFolder, False, True )

End Try

C# Copy Code

using Xceed.FileSystem;
using Xceed.Ftp;

using( FtpConnection sourceFTP = new FtpConnection( "ftp.cdrom.com" ) )
  FtpFolder sourceFolder = new FtpFolder( sourceFTP, "pub\\simtelnet" );
  using( FtpConnection destinationFTP = new FtpConnection( "ftp.server.com" ) )
    FtpFolder destinationFolder = new FtpFolder( destinationFTP, sourceFolder.Name );
    sourceFolder.CopyFilesTo( destinationFolder, false, true );


All methods exposed by the Xceed FileSystem's FileSystemItem, AbstractFolder, AbstractFile, and derived classes have an overload that can be used when events are required. 

If you are using FtpConnection in a UI application, assign your form (or any other control that implements the ISynchronizeInvoke interface) to the SynchronizingObject property and call Application.DoEvents in an event.

With the exception of the FtpConnection's ParsingListingLine event, events can be handled by creating an instance of the FileSystemEvents class and subscribing to the desired events. For example:

VB.NET Copy Code

Imports Xceed.FileSystem
Imports Xceed.Ftp

Dim sourceFTP As FtpConnection
Dim destinationFTP As FtpConnection
Dim events As FileSystemEvents

  sourceFTP = New FtpConnection( "ftp.cdrom.com" )
  'When using FtpConnection in a UI application 
  sourceFTP.SynchronizingObject = Me

  destinationFTP = New FtpConnection( "ftp.server.com" )
  'When using FtpConnection in a UI application 
  destinationFTP.SynchronizingObject = Me

  events = New FileSystemEvents()
  AddHandler events.ItemProgression, AddressOf Me.item_progression
  AddHandler events.ByteProgression, AddressOf Me.byte_progression

  Dim sourceFolder As New FtpFolder( sourceFTP, "pub\simtelnet" )
  Dim destinationFolder As New FtpFolder( destinationFTP, sourceFolder.Name )

  sourceFolder.CopyFilesTo( events, Nothing, destinationFolder, False, True )
  RemoveHandler events.ItemProgression, AddressOf Me.item_progression
  RemoveHandler events.ByteProgression, AddressOf Me.byte_progression
End Try

Private Sub item_progression( ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ItemProgressionEventArgs )
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( e.CurrentItem.Name )
End Sub

Private Sub byte_progression( ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ByteProgressionEventArgs )
End Sub

C# Copy Code
using Xceed.FileSystem;
using Xceed.Ftp;

FileSystemEvents events = new FileSystemEvents();
events.ItemProgression += new ItemProgressionEventHandler( this.item_progression );
events.ByteProgression += new ByteProgressionEventHandler( this.byte_progression );

using( FtpConnection sourceFTP = new FtpConnection( "ftp.cdrom.com" ) )
  //When using FtpConnection in a UI application
  sourceFTP.SynchronizingObject = this;
  FtpFolder sourceFolder = new FtpFolder( sourceFTP, "pub\\simtelnet" );

  using( FtpConnection destinationFTP = new FtpConnection( "ftp.server.com" ) )
    //When using FtpConnection in a UI application
    destinationFTP.SynchronizingObject = this;
    FtpFolder destinationFolder = new FtpFolder( destinationFTP, sourceFolder.Name );
    sourceFolder.CopyFilesTo( events, null, destinationFolder, false, true );

events.ItemProgression -= new ItemProgressionEventHandler( this.item_progression );
events.ByteProgression -= new ByteProgressionEventHandler( this.byte_progression );

private void item_progression( object sender, ItemProgressionEventArgs e )
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( e.CurrentItem.Name );

private void byte_progression( object sender, ByteProgressionEventArgs e )

Things to consider