Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
FTP client methods
Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Basic Concepts > FTP capabilities > FTP client interface > FTP client methods

Xceed FTP for .NET, via the FtpClient and AsyncFtpClient classes, exposes the following methods which can be used to perform various operations on an FTP server. 

AsyncFtpClient's methods now call the corresponding synchronous methods on a background thread. For this reason, the AsyncFtpClient class is now considered obsolete. It is therefore recommended to use FtpClient and assign a SynchronizingObject to its SynchronizingObject property to improve code readability.

Click on any one of the methods listed below for detailed information regarding that method.

Methods Description
Abort Aborts the current FTP command.
Authenticate Authenticates and encryptes the current FTP connection.
BeginAbort (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of aborting the current FTP command.
BeginAuthenticate (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the authentification and encryption of the current FTP connection
BeginChangeCurrentFolder (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of changing the current working folder of the FTP server.
BeginChangeToParentFolder (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of changing the current working folder of the FTP server to the parent folder.
BeginChangeTransferMode (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of changing the transfer mode. Don't forget to call EndChangeTransferMode!
BeginChangeUser (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of changing the currently logged-in user without disconnecting from the FTP server.
BeginConnect (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the connection process of the FTP client to an FTP server.
BeginCreateFolder (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of creating a folder on the FTP server.
BeginDeleteFile (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of deleting a file from the FTP server.
BeginDeleteFolder (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the processing of deleting a folder from the FTP server.
BeginDisconnect (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of disconnecting the FTP client from the FTP server to which it is connected.
BeginGetCurrentFolder (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of retrieving the current working folder of the FTP server.
BeginGetDownloadStream (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of retrieving a direct access to the readonly data stream being received beginning at the specified offset.
BeginGetFolderContents (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of retrieving the contents of the current working folder.
BeginGetRawExtendedFeatures (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process retrieving a list of the extended features that are implemented by the FTP server. Don't forget to call EndGetRawExtendedFeatures!
BeginGetRawFolderContents (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of retrieving an unprocessed, clear text list representing the contents of the current working folder as sent by the FTP server.
BeginGetUploadStream (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of retrieving a direct access to the write-only data stream to send to.
BeginLogin (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the login process of the FTP client to the FTP server to which it is connected.
BeginReceiveFile (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of receiving the specified file from the current working folder and stores it on the local system.
BeginReceiveMultipleFiles (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of retreiving the files that match the provided file mask from the current working folder and stores them on the local system in the specified folder.
BeginRenameFile (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of renaming a file on the FTP server.
BeginSendCustomCommand (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of sending a custom command to the FTP server.
BeginSendFile (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of sending the specified file to the FTP server's current working folder.
BeginSendFileToUniqueName (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of sending the specified file to the FTP server's current working folder and stores it using a unique filename.
BeginSendMultipleFiles (AsyncFtpClient) Begins the process of sending the files that match the provided file mask to the FTP server's current working folder.
ChangeCurrentFolder Changes the current working folder of the FTP server.
ChangeToParentFolder Changes the current working folder of the FTP server to the parent folder.
ChangeTransferMode Changes the current transfer mode.
ChangeUser Changes the currently logged-in user without disconnecting from the FTP server.


Clears the command channel after login to facilitate firewall NAT when connecting using a secure data channel.
Connect Connects the FTP client to an FTP server. This method will only connect you to the FTP server. Once connected, you must call the Login method to log-in to the FTP server.
CreateFolder Creates a folder on the FTP server
DeleteFile Deletes a file from the FTP server.
DeleteFolder Deletes a folder from the FTP server.
Disconnect Disconnects the FTP client from the FTP server to which it is connected.
EndAbort (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of aborting the current FTP command.
EndAuthenticate (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the authentification and encryption of the current FTP connection.
EndChangeCurrentFolder (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of changing the current working folder of the FTP server.
EndChangeToParentFolder (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of changing the current working folder of the FTP server to the parent folder.
EndChangeTransferMode (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of changing the transfer mode.
EndChangeUser (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of changing the currently logged-in user.
EndConnect (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the connection process of the FTP client to an FTP server.
EndCreateFolder (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of creating a folder on the FTP server.
EndDeleteFile (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of deleting a file from the FTP server.
EndDeleteFolder (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of deleting a folder from the FTP server.
EndDisconnect (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of disconnecting the FTP client from the FTP server to which it is connected.
EndGetCurrentFolder (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of retrieving the current working folder of the FTP server.
EndGetDownloadStream (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of retrieving a direct access to the readonly data stream being received.

EndGetFolderContents (AsyncFtpClient)

Ends the process of retrieving the contents of the current working folder.

EndGetRawExtendedFeatures (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of retrieving an unprocessed, clear text list of the extended features that are implemented by an FTP server.
EndGetRawFolderContents (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of retrieving an unprocessed, clear text list representing the contents of the current working folder.
EndGetUploadStream (AsyncFtpClient)

Ends the process of retrieving a direct access to the write-only data stream to send to.

EndLogin (AsyncFtpClient)

Ends the login process of the FTP client to the FTP server to which it is connected.

EndReceiveFile (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of receiving a file from the FTP server.
EndReceiveMultipleFiles (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of retreiving the files that match the provided file mask from the current working folder and stores them on the local system in the specified folder.
EndRenameFile (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of renaming a file on the FTP server.
EndSendCustomCommand (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of sending a custom command to the FTP server.
EndSendFile (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of sending a file to the FTP server.
EndSendFileToUniqueName (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of sending a file to the FTP server's current working folder and storing it using a unique filename.
EndSendMultipleFiles (AsyncFtpClient) Ends the process of sending the files that match the provided file mask to the FTP server's current working folder.
GetDownloadStream Retrieves a direct access to the readonly data stream being received
GetCurrentFolder Retrieves the current working folder of the FTP server.
GetFolderContents Retrieves the contents of the current working folder.
GetRawExtendedFeatures Retrieves an unprocessed, clear text list of the extended features that are implemented by an FTP server.
GetRawFolderContents Retrieves an unprocessed, clear text list representing the contents of the current working folder as sent by the FTP server and indicates if the entire listing or only file names should be retrieved.
GetUploadStream Retrieves a direct access to the write-only data stream to send to.


Login the FTP client to the FTP server to which it is connected.

ReceiveFile Receives the specified file from the current working folder.
ReceiveMultipleFiles Receives the specified files from the current working folder and stores them on the local system using the specified path and filename.
RenameFile Renames a file on the FTP server.
SendCustomCommand Sends a custom command to the FTP server.
SendFile Sends the specified file to the FTP server's current working folder.
SendFileToUniqueName Sends the specified file to the FTP server's current working folder and stores it using a unique filename.
SendMultipleFiles Sends the specified files to the FTP server's current working folder.

A list of the equivalent FTP commands that are sent by each method is also available here.