Programming languages
The FolderViews sample application demonstrates how to use the abstract aspect of the Xceed FileSystem as well as the Xceed FTP FileSystem to manipulate files and folders located on a local drive, a network drive, in isolated storage, in memory, and on an FTP server.
It specifically demonstrates how to:
Use the AbstractFolder, DiskFolder, IsolatedFolder, MemoryFolder, and FtpFolder classes.
Use the AbstractFile, DiskFile, IsolatedFile, MemoryFile, and FtpFile classes.
Use the FtpConnection class
Use the FileSystemEvents class to subscribe to the ByteProgression event.
Use the AutoBatchUpdate class to optimize batch updates to a folder.
Use GetItems method to retrieve all items contained in a folder.
Use the CopyTo method to copy folders and files.
Use the MoveTo method to move folders and files.
Project location & filename
Master directory:
<SamplesInstallDir>Xceed Zip for .NET [version]\
Where <SamplesInstallDir> by default is <SystemVolume>Xceed Samples under Windows Vista/7, and <ProgramFiles>Xceed Samples under Windows XP. NOTE: The sample applications for Xceed's FileSystem based products are all contained in the "Xceed Zip for .NET" folder.
C#: \CSharp\FolderViews\FolderViews.csproj
VB.NET: \Visual Basic .NET\FolderViews\FolderViews.vbproj