Overload | Description |
OpenWrite(Boolean,RepresentationType) | Opens the file for writing using the specified RepresentationType and indicating if existing data should be replaced. |
OpenWrite(Boolean,FileShare,RepresentationType) | Opens the file for writing using the specified file sharing mode and RepresentationType and indicating if existing data should be replaced. |
OpenWrite(FileSystemEvents,Object,Boolean,RepresentationType) | Opens the file for writing using the specified RepresentationType and indicating if existing data should be replaced, while raising events during the process. |
OpenWrite(FileSystemEvents,Object,Boolean,FileShare,RepresentationType) | Opens the file for writing using the specified file sharing mode, RepresentationType, and indicating if existing data should be replaced, while raising events during the process. |
OpenWrite(Boolean) | Opens the file for writing. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile) |
OpenWrite(Boolean,FileShare) | Opens the file for writing with the specified file sharing mode. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile) |
OpenWrite(FileSystemEvents,Object,Boolean) | Opens the file for writing and raises events during the process. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile) |
OpenWrite(FileSystemEvents,Object,Boolean,FileShare) | Opens the file for writing with the specified file sharing mode and raises events during the process. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile) |
OpenWrite(FileSystemEvents,Object,Boolean,FileShare,FileOptions) | Opens the file for writing with the specified file sharing mode, file options and raises events during the process. (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile) |
OpenWrite(FileSystemEvents,Object,Boolean,AbstractFile,FileShare,FileOptions) | (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile) |
OpenWrite(FileSystemEvents,Object,Object,Boolean,AbstractFile,FileShare,FileOptions) | (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile) |
OpenWrite(FileSystemEvents,Object,Object,Boolean,AbstractFile,FileShare,FileOptions,Boolean,Stream) | (Inherited from Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile) |