Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
The synchronization options
Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Basic Concepts > Synchronization > The synchronization options

Synchronization can be controlled by an optional SynchronizationOptions object passed to the synchronization methods. When no SynchronizationOptions object is specified, default values are used. The following table lists the properties available in the SynchronizationOptions class and lists the default value of each one. 

Option Description Default value
AllowCreations New files can be created during the synchronization process. true
AllowDeletions Files can be deleted during the synchronization process. false
AutoConflictResolution Conflicts should be resolved automatically. false
ByteProgressionTriggerThreshold An integer value specifying the number of bytes required to trigger the SynchronizationProgression event. ushort.MaxValue
CompareFileData File data will be compared to detect conflicts between files. If set to false, only the date and time of files will be used to detect conflicts. Can enhance performance but creates a risk of data loss. true
PerformRefresh FileSystemItem.Refresh should be called before using an item's dates and attributes in the synchronization. true
PreviewOnly The synchronization will be performed in preview-mode only, that is, without making any changes to files. false
RecurseIntoSubfolders Subfolders should be recursed into. true
UseMetaData Meta data should be used during the synchronization. true

To use the synchronization options, simply instantiate a SynchronizationOptions object, set its properties, and pass it to either the static EasySynchronize or the Synchronize method.