Class | Description | |
AsyncFtpClient | AsyncFtpClient's methods now call the corresponding synchronous methods on a background thread. It is therefore recommended to use FtpClient and assign a SynchronizingObject to its SynchronizingObject property to improve code readability. For this reason, the AsyncFtpClient class is now considered obsolete. This class provides you the with same functionalities that you will find in the FtpClient class but also gives you access to asynchronous FTP functionalities. | |
Certificate | Class which represents an X.509 certificate. Note: This class is not available in Xceed FTP for .NET Compact Framework because this product does not support Secure FTP. | |
CertificateReceivedEventArgs | Provides information on the certificate that is received from the FTP server. Note: This class is not available in Xceed FTP for .NET Compact Framework because this product does not support Secure FTP. | |
CertificateRequiredEventArgs | Provides information on the certificate that the FTP server requires from the FTP client. Note: This class is not available in Xceed FTP for .NET Compact Framework because this product does not support Secure FTP. | |
CommandSentEventArgs | Provides information on the command that has been sent to the FTP server. | |
FileTransferStatusEventArgs | Provides progress information while sending or receiving one or more files. | |
FtpAbortException | The exception that is thrown by the FTP client when the current operation is aborted. | |
FtpAS400ListingParser | Class which represents a parser that is used to parse lines received from an AS400 FTP server. | |
FtpClient | This class provides you with quick and easy access to FTP functionalities in the same style as the ActiveX version of the Xceed FTP Library. | |
FtpConnection | Class which represents the connection between a client and an FTP server. | |
FtpDosListingParser | Class which represents a parser that is used to parse lines received from a Windows or DOS FTP server. | |
FtpException | The exception that is thrown by the FTP client when a FTP-specific error occurs. | |
FtpFile | Specialization of the Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile class that implements access to a file located on an FTP server. | |
FtpFolder | Specialization of the Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFolder class that implements access to a folder located on an FTP server. | |
FtpInternalException | The exception that is thrown by the FTP client when an unexpected error occurs. | |
FtpInvalidStateException | The exception that is thrown by the FTP client when it is not in a valid state to perform the requested FTP operation. | |
FtpIOException | The exception that is thrown by the FTP client when an I/O error occurs. | |
FtpItemInfo | Represents an item on an FTP server and contains information relevant to that item. | |
FtpItemInfoList | Contains a list of FtpItemInfo objects. | |
FtpListingParser | Class which represents a parser that is used to parse listing lines received from an FTP server. | |
FtpListingParserList | Contains a list of FtpListingParser objects. | |
FtpMachineListingParser | Class that implements a parser that is used to process lines received from an MLSD command. | |
FtpReply | Represents a reply received from the FTP server. | |
FtpReplyException | The exception that is thrown by the FTP client when an error reply is received from an FTP server. | |
FtpSslException | The exception that is thrown when a problem occurs with SSL handshake, encryption, or certificate manipulation. | |
FtpTimeoutException | The exception that is thrown by the FTP client when an operation times-out. | |
FtpUnixListingParser | Class which represents a parser that is used to parse lines received from a UNIX FTP server. | |
FtpVmsListingParser | Class which represents a parser that is used to parse lines received from a VMS FTP server. | |
HttpProxyClient | Class which enables connecting to an FTP server via an HTTP proxy server. | |
HttpReply | Represents a reply received from the HTTP proxy server. | |
HttpReplyException | The exception that is thrown by the FTP client when an error reply is received from an HTTP proxy. | |
Licenser | Class which is used to register the classes located in the Xceed.Ftp namespace. | |
MultipleFileTransferErrorEventArgs | Provides information for files that fail to be transferred during a multiple-file transfer. | |
ParsingListingLineEventArgs | Provides information on the FTP item whose listing information was retrieved. | |
ProxyClient | Base abstract class for creating a proxy client that allows connection or login to a remote FTP server via a proxy server. | |
QuickFtp | Exposes static methods that allow basic FTP file operations. | |
QuickFtpException | Exception that is thrown when an error occurs in a method of the QuickFtp class. | |
ReplyReceivedEventArgs | Provides information on the reply that has been received from the FTP server. | |
StringList | Contains a list of strings. | |
TransferringFileEventArgs | Provides information on the file being sent or received. |