Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
Case sensitivity

Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Basic Concepts > Xceed's FileSystem Core > Case sensitivity

­The classes defined within the Xceed.FileSystem namespace and other derived classes do not enforce case sensitivity. When a string is passed to a method call, for example, the GetFile method, the string is not manipulated in any way and is used "as is".

Case sensitive source or destination

When dealing with case sensitive sources or destinations such as UNIX FTP servers or zip files, it is up to the user to pass a valid string to the method. For example, if you were to use the GetFile method to retrieve a reference to a file within a zip file and the filename exists in both lower case and uppercase, it is up to you to pass the filename in the appropriate case in order to retrieve a reference to the desired file. This is necessary because the GetFile method does not create a NameFilter class around the string passed in the method call. 

For example, if we wanted to retrieve a reference to file.txt located in a zip file but FILE.TXT also exists, the following code would be used:

VB.NET Copy Code
Dim textFile As AbstractFile   myFolder.GetFile( "file.txt" )
C# Copy Code
AbstractFile textFile = myFolder.GetFile( "file.txt" );

To retrieve a reference to FILE.TXT rather than file.txt, the following code would be used:

VB.NET Copy Code
Dim textFile As AbstractFile   myFolder.GetFile( "FILE.TXT" )
C# Copy Code
AbstractFile textFile = myFolder.GetFile( "FILE.TXT" );

NameFilter class

When using NameFilter classes, by default, case sensitivity is not enforced. In order to enforce case sensitivity, a greater-than symbol (>) must be used as the first character of the string. 

For example, if we were to use the following code, all files that have the TXT extension would be returned regardless of the case:

VB.NET Copy Code
Dim textFiles As AbstractFile() = myFolder.GetFiles( true, "*.TXT" )
C# Copy Code
AbstractFile[] textFiles = myFolder.GetFiles( true, "*.TXT" );

In order to return only the TXT files that have an extension in upper case, it is necessary to add the greater-than symbol:

VB.NET Copy Code
Dim textFiles As AbstractFile() = myFolder.GetFiles( true, ">*.TXT" )
C# Copy Code
AbstractFile[] textFiles = myFolder.GetFiles( true, ">*.TXT" );

The greater-then symbol affects the entire string passed to the name filter. Therefore, if you were to use the following code, all the files that have the TXT extension in lower case and all the files that have the EXE extension in lower case will be returned:

VB.NET Copy Code
Dim textFiles As AbstractFile() = myFolder.GetFiles( True, ">*.txt|*.exe" ) )
C# Copy Code
AbstractFile[] textFiles = myFolder.GetFiles( true, ">*.txt|*.exe" ) );si

If you wanted to retrieve all the files that have the TXT extension in lower case or all the files that have the EXE extension [without case sensitivity], you would need to create a NameFilter around each one:

VB.NET Copy Code
Dim textFiles As AbstractFile() = myFolder.GetFiles( True, _
                                                     New OrFilter( New NameFilter( ">*.txt" ), _
                                                     New NameFilter( "*.EXE" ) ) )
C# Copy Code
AbstractFile[] textFiles = myFolder.GetFiles( true, 
                                              new OrFilter( new NameFilter( ">*.txt" ),
                                              new NameFilter( "*.EXE" ) ) );