This sample demonstrates how to encrypt and decrypt a file using the Rijndael or Twofish encryption methods.
Project file name: MANAGER.VBP
Properties: EncryptionMethod, HashingMethod, EncryptionMode and PaddingMethod
Methods: ProcessFile, SetSecretKeyFromPassPhrase and SetRandomInitVector
Select the encryption methods from the combo box.
Enter the pass phrase that will be used to create the encryption secret key.
Select the source file and the destination file. When selecting a source file name, the manager assigns a default value to the destination file if it's empty. Click on the Encrypt button or Decrypt button to perform the desired action.
From the menu bar, you can access the Option form. This form allows you to set the encryption format, the encryption mode, the key size, the hashing method and the padding method.
All errors when encrypting or decrypting are shown in a text box at the bottom of the main form.