Here are is an example for Delphi that demonstrates encryption from file to memory in a single pass. It shows how to use the Rijndael algorithm.
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uses XceedEncryptionLib_TLB
var xEnc : TXceedEncryption; xRijndael : DXceedRijndaelEncryptionMethod; vaBytesRead : OleVariant; begin xEnc := TXceedEncryption.Create( self ); xEnc.License( 'your license key' );
xRijndael := CoXceedRijndaelEncryptionMethod.Create();
try xRijndael.SetSecretKeyFromPassPhrase( 'This is a weak pass phrase!', 128 );
xEnc. EncryptionMethod := xRijndael; xEnc.ReadFile( 'c:\temp\source.txt', 0, 0, efpEncrypt, true, vaBytesRead );
ShowMessage( 'Encryption successful!' ); except on xErr : Exception do ShowMessage( xErr.Message ); end;
xEnc.Free; end; |