Here are is an example for Visual C++ that demonstrates encryption entirely in memory in a single pass. It shows how to use the Rijndael algorithm.
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// This code uses the #import directive.
// Put the following line at the beginning of your module #import "XCEEDCRY.DLL" no_namespace named_guids
CoInitialize( NULL );
try { IXceedEncryptionPtr piEnc;
piEnc.CreateInstance( CLSID_XceedEncryption ); piSign->License( _bstr_t( L"your license key ) );
IXceedRijndaelEncryptionMethodPtr piRijndael;
piRijndael.CreateInstance( CLSID_XceedRijndaelEncryptionMethod ); piRijndael->SetSecretKeyFromPassPhrase( "This is a weak pass phrase!", 128 );
piEnc-> EncryptionMethod = IXceedEncryptDataPtr( piRijndael );
const char* pszSource = "This is the data to encrypt"; DWORD dwSourceSize = lstrlen( pszSource ) + 1; // Let's say we want to encrypt the null-char too BYTE* pcEncrypted = NULL; DWORD dwEncryptedSize = 0;
piEnc->Encrypt( ( BYTE* )pszSource, dwSourceSize, TRUE, &pcEncrypted, &dwEncryptedSize );
MessageBox( NULL, "Data encrypted successfully", "Encryption result", MB_OK );
CoTaskMemFree( pcEncrypted ); } catch( const _com_error& xErr ) { char szMsg[50]; wsprintf( szMsg, "Error %08x\n", xErr.Error() ); MessageBox( NULL, szMsg, "Error", MB_OK ); } catch( ... ) { MessageBox( NULL, "Unknown error", "Error", MB_OK ); }