Xceed Encryption Library Documentation
Compare method
Xceed Encryption control reference > Methods > Compare method


The Compare method compares two memory buffers to determine if they contain identical data, byte for byte. It works on Variant variables.


Parameter Description
vaSource1  The first memory buffer. All OLE automation variant types are supported, including string and byte array variants.
vaSource2  The second memory buffer. All OLE automation variant types are supported, including string and byte array variants.

Return value

Returns True if the two source buffers are identical.

Associated properties


Declaration (DXceedEncryption) Copy Code
HRESULT Compare( [in] VARIANT* vaSource1, [in] VARIANT* vaSource2,
                 [retval][out] VARIANT_BOOL* pbIdentical )
Declaration (IXceedEncryption) Copy Code

HRESULT Compare( [size_is][in] BYTE* pcSource1, [in] DWORD dwSource1Size, [size_is][in] BYTE* pcSource2,
                 [in] DWORD dwSource2Size, [out] BOOL* pbIdentical )