Xceed Encryption Library Documentation
About Xceed Encryption control error codes
Xceed Encryption control reference > Error codes > About Xceed Encryption control error codes

The following constants define all the possible error code values that Xceed Encryption control methods can produce. The error codes also apply to methods in the Xceed Hashing and the Xceed Signing control.

The declarations for these error codes are built into the library's "Type Library" (see the EXEError enumeration) and should automatically be accessible by your code.

Visual Basic users should use the Err object in their error handling code. It provides a textual description of the error code when needed.

Delphi users can trap the EOleException exception (include "comobj" in your unit’s Uses clause) and access any of the exception object's properties for information about the error.

Standard COM error codes

Enum Value Description
S_OK 0 The method call completed successfully.
E_INVALIDARG 0x80070057 An invalid parameter was passed to a method call.
E_OUTOFMEMORY 0x8007000E Not enough memory or system resources available.
E_POINTER 0x80004003 A NULL pointer was passed to a method's [out] parameter.
E_UNEXPECTED 08000FFFF Unexpected condition occurred. Contact Xceed support!

Xceed Encryption control error codes

Enum Value Description
eerNotLicensed 0x80045001 The license key required to use Xceed Encryption Library was not found, is invalid or is an expired trial license key. You may need to call the License method with your registered key because you are instantiating the component dynamically, or you may not have provided the library with your registered key by using the 'License this component' option for the Xceed Encryption Library in the 'Xceed Components' start menu section.
eerSessionOpened 0x80045002 The control is already performing another operation (encryption / decryption / hashing / signing / verifying) which has not been terminated with a bEndOfData = True signal or has not been reset.
eerInvalidString 0x80045003 The string contains an invalid character.
eerInvalidKeySize 0x80045004 The key size is invalid or uninitialized.
eerInvalidBlockSize 0x80045005 The block size is invalid. Unexpected error.
eerInvalidEncryptionMethod 0x80045006 The encryption method is invalid.
eerInvalidEncryptionMode 0x80045007 The encryption mode is invalid.
eerInvalidHashingMethod   0x80045008 The hashing method is invalid.
eerInvalidHashSize   0x80045009 The hash size is invalid.
eerBusy   0x8004500A This instance of the object is currently busy handling another call.
eerSessionNotReady   0x8004500B The session is not ready (encryption or decryption in progress).
eerInvalidInitVector   0x8004500C The initialization vector is invalid or uninitialized.
eerInvalidSecretKey   0x8004500D The secret key is invalid or uninitialized.
eerInvalidKeyPair   0x8004500E The private or public key is invalid or uninitialized.
eerEmptyFile   0x8004500F The specified source file is empty.
eerFileToBig   0x80045010 The file size is greater than 4 gigs.
eerFileNotFound   0x80045011 The specified filename does not exist.
eerPathNotFound 0x80045012   The specified path does not exist.
eerAccessDenied   0x80045013 Access denied.
eerAlreadyInUse   0x80045014 The file is already in use.
eerInvalidFileName   0x80045015 The file name is invalid.
eerDiskFull   0x80045016 The disk is full.
eerAlreadyExists   0x80045017 The destination file already exist.
eerAccessingDrive   0x80045018 Error accessing the specified drive.
eerEmptyFileName   0x80045019 The filename is empty.
eerReadFile   0x8004501A Cannot read data from the source file.
eerWriteFile   0x8004501B Cannot write data to the destination file.
eerInvalidFileOffset   0x8004501C The file offset is beyond the end of file.
eerInvalidFileProcessing   0x8004501D Invalid file processing action for this method call.
eerInvalidAction   0x8004501E The file processing action is not supported for this method.
eerOpenFileForReading   0x8004501F Unknown error when trying to open the source file for reading.
eerOpenFileForWriting   0x80045020 Unknown error when trying to open destination file for writing.
eerRandomNotGenerated   0x80045021 The random number has not been generated.
eerInsufficientEntropy   0x80045022 The random number generated is not secure enough (insufficient entropy) because some of the system's parameters cannot be read. Please note down the operating system type and version and contact Xceed support at support@xceedsoft.com.
eerInvalidSigningMethod   0x80045024 The signing method is invalid.
eerInvalidSignatureSize   0x80045025 The signature size is invalid.
eerVerifyFailed   0x80045026 The data that was verified did not correspond with the digital signature.
eerInvalidPaddingMethod   0x80045027 The padding method is invalid.
eerInternalError   0x80045FFF An unexpected error occurred. Please contact Xceed support at support@xceedsoft.com.