Xceed Binary Encoding Library Documentation
License method
Xceed Binary Encoding control reference > Methods > License method


The License method must be called to license the library for runtime use. This applies to both registered users as well as users of a time-limited free trial license.

If you do not call this method, Xceed Binary Encoding Library method calls will not work and will immediately return the berNotLicensed error code.

When to call the License method

The License method must be the first method you call after instantiating the component and/or before any other methods are called. For example:

Visual Basic Copy Code

Dim WithEvents m_xBen As XceedBinaryEncoding
Dim bReturn As Boolean 

Set m_xBen = new XceedBinaryEncoding

bReturn = m_xBen.License( "Your license string goes here" ) 

If ( bReturn = False ) Then 
  Call MsgBox( "Xceed Binary Encoding is not licensed for distribution!!" )
End If


Parameter Description
sLicense  Provide your license key here. Both registered users and trial version users have a license key. This key can be found by selecting the Start -> Programs -> Xceed Components -> Xceed Component Licenser menu item. Trial version keys are time-limited and will not work after the trial period has ended.

Return values

Returns True if the license key was accepted; False if the license key was invalid.


The License method is required because instantiation methods such as CreateObject() and CoCreateInstance() do not cooperate with the licensing scheme provided by IClassFactory2.

Declaration (DXceedBinaryEncoding) Copy Code
HRESULT License( [in] BSTR sLicense, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbSucceeded )
Declaration (IXceedBinaryEncoding) Copy Code

HRESULT License( [in] BSTR sLicense, [out,retval] BOOL* pbSucceeded )