The EncodingFormat property allows you to specify the Encoding Format object that the library will use to encode or decode data.
An Encoding Format object
Value | Encoding Format object description |
XceedBase64EncodingFormat | The Base64 encoding format as defined by RFC-2045 and the XML specification. Used by the MIME format to encode email attachments. Common filename extensions for this format are: .b64. |
XceedBinHexEncodingFormat | The BinHex format as defined by RFC-1741. Commonly used on Apple platforms for encoding email attachments. Common filename extensions for this format are: .hqx or .bhx. |
XceedHexaEncodingFormat | Plain hexadecimal encoding. |
XceedQuotedPrintableEncodingFormat | The Quoted-printable format as defined by RFC-2045. Often used to encode text in email. |
XceedUUEncodingFormat | The standard UNIX UUEncode format. Common filename extensions for this format are: .uue and .uu. |
XceedXXEncodingFormat | The XXEncode format. An updated version of UUEncode which defines a better encoded character set. Common filename extensions for this format are: .xxe. |
Encode, Decode, ProcessFile, ReadFile, WriteFile