Xceed Binary Encoding Library Documentation
About Xceed Binary Encoding control error codes
Xceed Binary Encoding control reference > Error codes > About Xceed Binary Encoding control error codes

The following constants define all the possible error code values that Xceed Binary Encoding control methods can produce. The declarations for these error codes are built into the library's "Type Library" (see the EXBError enumeration) and should automatically be accessible by your code.

Visual Basic users should use the Err object in their error handling code. It provides a textual description of the error code when needed.

Delphi users can trap the EOleException exception (include "comobj" in your unit’s Uses clause) and access the any of the exception object's properties for information about the error.

Standard COM error codes

Constant Value Description
S_OK   The method call completed successfully.
E_INVALIDARG  0x80070057  An invalid parameter was passed to a method call.
E_OUTOFMEMORY 0x8007000   Not enough memory or system resources available.
E_POINTER 0x80004003   A NULL pointer was passed to a method's [out] parameter.
E_UNEXPECTED   0x8000FFFF   Unexpected condition occurred. Contact Xceed support!

Xceed Binary Encoding control error codes

Constant Value Description
berWarningInvalidCharacterInData  0x00044001 Invalid character in the data.
berWarningInvalidEndOfData  0x00044002 Invalid end of data.
berWarningRemainingData  0x00044003  The internal buffer as remaining data to process.
berWarningInvalidLineLengthInData  0x00044004  The data content an invalid line length.
berWarningInvalidNumberOfCharacterOnLine  0x00044005  The data has a line containing an invalid number of character.
berInvalidCharacterInData  0x80044001  Invalid character in the data.
berInvalidEndOfData  0x80044002  Invalid end of data.
berRemainingData  0x80044003  The internal buffer as remaining data to process.
berInvalidLineLengthInData  0x80044004  The data content an invalid line length.
berInvalidNumberOfCharacterOnLine  0x80044005  The data has a line containing an invalid number of character.
berInvalidFileProcessing  0x80044006  The file processing action is not supported for this method.
berEmptyFile  0x80044007  The specified source file is empty.
berInvalidFileOffset  0x80044008  The file offset is beyond the end of file.
berReadFile  0x80044009  Cannot read data from the source file.
berWriteFile  0x8004400A  Cannot write data to the destination file.
berFileNotFound  0x8004400B The specified filename does not exist.
berPathNotFound  0x8004400C The specified path does not exist.
berAccessDenied  0x8004400D  Access denied.
berAlreadyInUse  0x8004400E  The file is already in use.
berInvalidFilename  0x8004400F  The file name is invalid.
berDiskFull  0x80044010  The disk is full.
berAlreadyExists  0x80044011  The destination file already exist.
berAccessingDrive  0x80044012  Error accessing the specified drive.
berOpenFileForReading  0x80044013  Unknown error when trying to open the sourcefile for reading.
berOpenFileForWriting  0x80044014  Unknown error when trying to open destination file for writing.
berEmptyFileName  0x80044015  The filename is empty.
berFileTooBig  0x80044016  The file size is greater than 4 gigs.
berNotLicensed  0x80044017  The license key required to use Xceed Binary Encoding Library was not found, is invalid, or is an expired trial license key.
berInvalidEncodingMethod  0x80044018  Invalid encoding method.
berInvalidEndOfLineType  0x80044019  Invalid end of line type.
berSessionOpened  0x8004401A  A session is already underway.
berInvalidMaxLineLength  0x8004401B  Invalid maximum line length.
berInvalidLengthInHeader 0x8004401C Invalid data len specified in the header.
berEmptyFileNameInHeader 0x8004401DL The filename is empty in the header.
berBusy  0x8004401E  The component is already busy performing another operation.
berInternalError  0x80044FFF  An unexpected error occurred. Please contact Xceed support.