Name | Description | |
AddChart<T> | Used to construct the charts. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddCheckBox | Adds a CheckBox to a Document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddCoreProperty | Adds a core property to this document. If a core property already exists with the same name, it will be replaced. Core property names are case insensitive. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddCustomProperty | Adds a custom property to this document. If a custom property already exists with the same name, it will be replaced. CustomProperty names are case insensitive. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddEndnote | Used to add a new endnote description in the document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddFooters | Adds three new Footers to the first Section of this Document . One for the first page, one for odd pages, and one for even pages. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddFootnote | Used to add a new footnote description in the document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddHeaders | Adds three new Headers to the first Section of this Document . One for the first page, one for odd pages, and one for even pages. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddHyperlink | Overloaded. Adds a Hyperlink to a Document's Hyperlink collection. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddImage | Overloaded. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddList | Overloaded. Adds a List to a Document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddPasswordProtection | Protects the document from modifications by adding a protection password. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddProtection | Protects the document from modifications. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddShape | Adds a Shape to a Document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddSignatureLine | Adds a SignatureLine to the document. | |
AddTable | Overloaded. Adds a Table to a Document, using the provided row count and column count for the size. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AddTextBox | Adds a TextBox to a Document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
ApplyTemplate | Overloaded. Applies a template by using a string that points to the template file. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
AreSignaturesValid | Overloaded. Checks the validity of the digital signatures in a document. | |
ClearBookmarks | Removes all the Bookmarks from this Container. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
ConvertToPdf | Overloaded. Converts a DocX document into a PDF document. | |
Copy | Overridden. Copies the document into a new Document. | |
Create | Overloaded. Creates a document. | |
Dispose | Releases all resources used by this document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
FindAll | Overloaded. Retrieves all the indexes in this Container where the provided search value is found. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
FindUniqueByPattern | (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
GetBookmarks | Retrieves the list of Bookmarks found in this Container. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
GetPageCount | Gets the number of pages in the document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
GetProtectionType | Returns the type of editing protection imposed on this document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
GetSections | Reads the xml of the Container to create a list of Sections. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
GetSignatures | Overloaded. Gets the digital signatures in a document. | |
InsertAtBookmark | (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertBookmark | Inserts a Bookmark to this Container. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertChart | Inserts a chart in the document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertChartAfterParagraph | Inserts a chart in the document after the specified paragraph. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertContent | Inserts content in this Container. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertDefaultTableOfContents | Inserts a default Table of Contents in the current document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertDocument | Overloaded. Inserts the contents of another document at the end of this Document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertEquation | (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertList | Overloaded. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertParagraph | Overloaded. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertParagraphs | Inserts many paragraphs in the document using the text parameter. Each '\n' in the text parameter will create a new paragraph. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertSection | Overloaded. Inserts a Section in the Document by making a copy of the previous Section, and optionally track this change. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertSectionPageBreak | Inserts a Section page break to the Document by making a copy of the previous Section, and optionally track this change. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertTable | Overloaded. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
InsertTableOfContents | Overloaded. Inserts a table of contents to the document, based on the provided switches. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
IsSignatureLineSigned | Overridden. Evaluates if a SignatureLine is signed. | |
IsSignatureLineValid | Overridden. Evaluates if a SignatureLine is signed and if the digital signature is valid. | |
IsSigned | Overloaded. Returns true if the input document contains at least 1 digital signature, false otherwise. | |
Load | Overloaded. Loads a document into a DocX object. | |
RemoveAllSignatures | Overloaded. Removes all the digital signatures in a document. | |
RemoveBookmark | Removes the specified Bookmark from the Container. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
RemoveParagraph | Removes a Paragraph from this Container. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
RemoveParagraphAt | Removes the Paragraph found at a specific location from the Container. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
RemovePasswordProtection | Removes the password protection on a Document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
RemoveProtection | Removes the protection on a Document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
RemoveSignature | Overloaded. Removes a digital signature from a document. | |
RemoveTextInGivenFormat | Removes all text occurences that match the provided format. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
ReplaceAtBookmark | Replaces the text at the specified Bookmark in this Container. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
ReplaceText | Overloaded. Replaces all instances of a string with another string using the options set via the replaceTextOptions parameter. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
ReplaceTextWithHTML | Replaces all instances of a string with HTML content. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
ReplaceTextWithObject | Replaces all instances of a string with a DocumentElement. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
Save | Overridden. Saves this document. | |
SaveAs | Overloaded. Overridden. Saves this document but allows to set some options first. | |
SetDefaultFont | Sets the default font characteristics of the Document. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
SetDirection | Sets the Direction of the content of this Container. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
Sign | Overloaded. Allows to digitally sign a document. | |
UpdateFields | Sets a flag to true, so that when the saved document is opened with MS Word, a popup will appear to ask if the fields should be updated. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) | |
ValidateBookmarks | (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.Document) |