Xceed Words for .NET v3.0 Documentation
ReplaceTextOptionsBase Class Properties

Xceed.Document.NET Assembly > Xceed.Document.NET Namespace : ReplaceTextOptionsBase Class

For a list of all members of this type, see ReplaceTextOptionsBase members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets the Container(s) that will be parsed when replacing text in a Document. The default value is All.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the index that pinpoints the location where the text search will end. The default value is -1.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the formatting that the existing text must have in order to be replaced. The default value is null.  
Public PropertyGets or sets how the existing formatting needs to be matched in order for the text replacement to occur. The default setting is SubsetMatch.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the options for the regular expression. The default setting is None.  
Public PropertyGets or sets if empty Paragraphs should be removed once the text replacement is done. The default value is true.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the index that pinpoints the location where the text search will start. The default value is -1.  
Public PropertyGets or sets if the text search will be stopped once the first text replacement is completed. The default value is false.  
Public PropertyGets or sets if the changes, in this case the text replacement, will be tracked. The default value is false.  
See Also


ReplaceTextOptionsBase Class
Xceed.Document.NET Namespace